Path to Perfection

Modern Femme_Fatale

SCORE: 372 | 491 COMMENTS | 67620 VIEWS | IN 214 FOLDERS

Twin and Bloom Titan Gets Banned! —Jan. 16, 2016

Mainboard Changes


  • Flooded Strand
  • Mana Confluence

  • Added:

  • Hallowed Fountain
  • Seachrome Coast

  • Sideboard Changes


  • Leyline of Sanctity

  • Added:

  • Blood Moon
  • Dispel
  • Kor Firewalker
  • Negate

  • kameenook says... #1

    Great deck, I've played against the Grapeshot version, but not in a while. I think you've done a perfect job updating it with the new cards. The way you said it made me cringe, that tron just scoops to Blood Moon. I've played Tron recently, and Blood Moon just slows me down. I'll either just amass enough lands to hardcast things, or my sideboarded enchantment removal will take it down. Nevertheless it is an effective sideboard card, and I imagine you could win in the time you slowed tron down, but I don't think tron should be scooping to Blood Moon.

    April 6, 2015 10:10 a.m.

    Gutro33 says... #2

    Myth realized is bad, lol.

    April 6, 2015 5:29 p.m.

    Femme_Fatale says... #3

    You are quite wrong about that Gutro33. It is called the white goyf, because it functions in a similar way that goyf does.

    April 6, 2015 5:48 p.m.

    UrbanAnathema says... #4

    Gutro33 I'm not sure if Myth Realized is going to be the kind of card that Tarmogoyf is, but in the right deck it certainly serves the same function. It is FAR from bad.

    April 6, 2015 5:50 p.m.

    Femme_Fatale says... #5

    Definitely requires the right deck to be sure UrbanAnathema. And this deck is a perfect place for it.

    April 6, 2015 5:55 p.m.

    UrbanAnathema says... #6

    Agreed. Your deck maximizes the Goyfness Femme_Fatale :)

    April 6, 2015 5:56 p.m.

    Gutro33 says... #7

    First of all, lol at you or anyone calling it white goyf. Secondly I've already play tested the card in delver, control, and decks similar to yours. It's just not good, lol why am I even trying to argue with a person who runs hot soup in their deck.

    April 6, 2015 6:02 p.m.

    UrbanAnathema says... #8

    Gutro33 First of all, you might want to try being a little more polite when giving feedback. Second of all, you're just not very well informed. Take TCC for example who has called it the most Modern relevant card printed in DTK. In a deck like this, the card functions as a better Goyf, as it functions nearly the same, but has the additional benefit of some form of evasion.

    You may have an opinion, and thats fine. But your opinion is FAR from the only one, and even further from being the most informed.

    April 6, 2015 6:08 p.m.

    kameenook says... #9

    Gutro33 did you not see his reasoning for Hot Soup? It was very sound reasoning.

    April 6, 2015 6:13 p.m.

    UrbanAnathema says... #10

    Why not run Gods Willing rather than Hot Soup?

    April 6, 2015 6:27 p.m.

    Gutro33 says... #11

    Seems the white knights are out in full force, let her respond if she cares enough to you plebs. Also tcc is autistic, he thought this card would be the biggest card in modern out of DTK, and he was wrong, seriously the card hasn't top 8d once. So you should probably form your own opinions instead of just yelling "well tcc said it was good!" Lol the only 2 cards he got right were atarkas command and that uncounterable burn 1 drop, and those were pretty much guaranteed to end up in burn, any idiot could see that. Besides all that myth is bad, it's a dead card late game, and twin, burn, affinity, and junk don't care about it. Sure enjoy your 5/5 beater, and also enjoy your garbage top decks. Oh and whispersilk cloak is far superior, her 3 drop slot is way more open and by the time you need evasion cloak is just as accessible, as well as not making it die to any damage it actually protects it. But whatever just go look up more people who speculated it would be good, but I'd rather you look up how it's performing, which would be hard considering no decks run it.

    April 6, 2015 6:33 p.m.

    Femme_Fatale says... #12

    I've been playtesting Gods Willing, UrbanAnathema that benelas16 had suggested. I play a esper prowess tempo build in standard and it absolutely shines there, however I'm wary of it in modern because there is a lot more removal that is also cheaper in modern than there is in standard. I'm also playtesting an altered build, and here are the total changes I am testing out.



    April 6, 2015 6:36 p.m.

    UrbanAnathema says... #13

    Gutro33 The meta is surely fully defined after a whole 9 days. Clearly. Also one does not need to be a "white knight" to know an asshole when one sees one. But by all means, keep it coming. I'm sure you'll be everyone's favorite poster here in short order.

    April 6, 2015 6:41 p.m.

    Femme_Fatale says... #14

    It was just released Gutro33, meaning that there aren't going to be a lot decks with it since trying to jam it in pre-existing archetypes since a piss poor idea. You need an entirely new idea to be able to work prowess, and that's what this deck is.

    You are also way out of line saying that Tolarian Community College is autistic, unless you give some proof. However, one should not go based on what he says as I honestly don't see him as a credible, professional modern source.

    The method of how one should play Myth Realized is the same in which one should play a goyf, but unlike goyf, you can drop this down as soon as possible and not worry about bolts since it isn't a creature until you activate it. Not too mention that all those decks you mentioned also don't care about goyf, but goyf is still played heavily. As for terrible late game draw, that would be true, if I didn't have Retract. Retract allows me to refuel any late game prowess card, and should be used as such, a late game bomb. Keep it in your hand until you absolutely need it.

    April 6, 2015 6:46 p.m.

    Femme_Fatale says... #15

    Oh, and did I mention,


    April 6, 2015 6:47 p.m.

    Gutro33 says... #16

    First of all Myth was spoiled about a month ago, and people who actually play the game have been play testing it since then, and as such any good players who found it to be useful would be playing it, but wait, it hasn't even showed up in an mtgo daily. But really comparing this to goyf is stupid, and anyone who does such is just wrong. This card is really only good turn 1, if it's not in your opening hand, you don't want to draw it mid game absolutely not. So you have a 40% chance of this card being good, otherwise it's garbage, especially as you have no scry, no draw, and no way to shuffle it away, it's a dead card, and running the risk of drawing dead for a 40% chance of a mediocre beater that dies to literally every piece of removal ( I only say dies to removal as it dies to naturalize as well, also enchantment removal, essentially there will be a piece of removal for this card in every deck, unlike goyf.) is not worth it, and no one I've play tested with disagrees with that. But hey if harsh criticism makes me an ass hole then good, I'm an ass hole, don't care what you think about me personally, cause I'm right when it comes to the card being bad.

    April 6, 2015 6:58 p.m.

    kameenook says... #17

    He has no draw? Would you please read Puresteel Paladin. Trust me, prowessing Myth Realized in a midgame should be no problem with a bunch of zero drops.

    April 6, 2015 7:18 p.m.

    Gutro33 says... #18

    Well anyways, I do like the idea of this deck, it's pretty cool, but if I were building it I'd definitely drop myth for gheist, and build around gheist a little more. Gheist is a fantastic voltron card, and I can almost guarantee he wouldn't be dying in this deck if you build is for him. I just really hope I could have swayed you to some extent to see that myth is bad, and maybe some day you'll top deck him twice mid game and realize I was saying something useful. But really, go gheist.

    April 6, 2015 7:22 p.m.

    Gutro33 says... #19

    Oh yeah kameenok, purest eel is sure card draw, just like pack leader and spirit walker, you might as well just say bang auras has card draw, it's 4 creatures with conditional card draw in the deck, if you think that's significant enough draw to justify 4 dead cards then you're just not thinking, and good job addressing any other parts of my post, you get points for that. But I'm done now, keep thinking it's a good card, you'll see. Actually I implore you all to let me know when it makes a top 8, I want you all to make fun of me and call me a nerd, I'll be waiting for that day.

    April 6, 2015 7:34 p.m.

    Stein_ says... #20

    okay so i need to ask, why are you not playing any swords? after playtesting, this deck needs some swords for real. you're almost there with it. I also do not like Retract, and if anything, that's good on the board. Have you also ever thought of Blade Slicer? And if so, I'd also add Restoration Angel. Take out Hot Soup too. lol

    April 6, 2015 7:40 p.m.

    Stein_ says... #21 here is my suggestion.

    April 6, 2015 7:49 p.m.

    Nef says... #22

    Grats on 300 upvotes :)

    April 6, 2015 7:57 p.m.

    Femme_Fatale says... #23

    Geist of Saint Traft doesn't work because there are too many fatties in the meta. And I don't want to be relying on equipping something on to him to get the value I need. Stony Silence is a frequently used card against me and once they have that, Geist of Saint Traft kinda sits and twiddles his thumbs.

    Too pricy at 4 cmc MentorOfTheMeek. Also Blade Splicer doesn't do anything in the current meta, it is way too slow and its tokens don't provide me any benefit against the fatties of this meta.

    And you are underestimating the power of Retract. It saves me from Engineered Explosives and allows me to get instant value out of late game Monastery Mentors and Myth Realizeds. Not too mention powerful draw onto Puresteel Paladin. Finally, it allows me to continue to use value out of my artifacts even when they have Stony Silence on the field.

    As for the swords, I have tried them, but I've never like them. They cost way too much for such a little benefit to this deck. For a late game power equipment, I have Sigil of Distinction, which has so far won me two games. Not too mention that they nonbo with Retract, which is a pivotal piece in making prowess work.

    Finally, read the comment about the alterations I'm playtesting. Hot Soup is going out for Basilisk Collar.

    April 6, 2015 8:01 p.m.

    SpartanCEL says... #24

    Geez the apparent hate for Myth Realized lol. Will this be as top tier as aura hexproof decks? Maybe not, but that doesn't mean we can't try. Also just saying, try running Tarmogoyf in a mono green build, it won't work near as well as in bg/x. Even powerful cards need the right build.

    +1, all the love for competitive home brews

    As for the deck I can't help a whole lot, but anything that doesn't help your game plan shouldn't be run. But if abzan is such a problem maybe Lingering Souls is the right call. Big flyers is always relevant so tell us how Kitesail Apprentice is goin:)

    April 6, 2015 8:09 p.m.

    Femme_Fatale says... #25

    For anyone on the Myth Realized topic, the members of T/O basically riggle (such an odd word I came up with) the card down here: New Card - Myth Realised.

    The reason I like Kitesail Apprentice over Lingering Souls is because it makes Paradise Mantle a viable card to use. If I keep Lingering Souls, Paradise Mantle would have gone in the altered version.

    April 6, 2015 8:26 p.m.