Path to Perfection

Modern Femme_Fatale

SCORE: 372 | 491 COMMENTS | 67620 VIEWS | IN 214 FOLDERS

Kitesail Apprentice Emerges Unscathed —April 6, 2015

Mainboard Changes


  • Hot Soup
  • Leonin Shikari
  • Lightning Greaves
  • Lingering Souls
  • Plains
  • Retract

  • Added:

  • Accorder's Shield
  • Basilisk Collar
  • Emerge Unscathed
  • Hallowed Fountain
  • Kitesail Apprentice
  • Paradise Mantle

  • Sideboard Changes


  • Negate
  • Spell Pierce

  • Added:

  • Spellskite

  • xzzane says... #1

    Seeing as your deck no longer runs any kors, why not change the deck title to fit one of its new primary win conditions? Something like Monastery Mayhem for example.

    March 26, 2015 11:48 p.m.

    Femme_Fatale says... #2

    Eh, I want something catchy. This name worked because it exemplified the most important and most interesting quality about the deck: Kor. Kor are pretty popular and interesting, and a lot of casual folks really enjoy them, so advertising Kor right up front is what brought a lot of views to this deck. But now there isn't that much of a casual appeal to this deck, so I need something else to bring people in.

    March 26, 2015 11:59 p.m.

    xzzane says... #3

    Hmm...My brother Cipher001 has a lot more creativity than I do, maybe he can think of a name for you.

    March 27, 2015 12:06 a.m.

    Cipher001 says... #4

    Someone call my name? Okay, so I don't know your preference in a style of Intro, so I'll just go with the easy "story mode" style. This may not be to your liking; if it isn't, please tell me what is incompatible to your preferences, and I will do my best to work on that knowledge. The title works on Monastery Mentor mainly, and how many religions follow a certain "path", such as The Jeskai Way. Here it is, a potential title and Intro hook.

    Path to Perfection

    Long ago, this deck hailed to the mighty Kor Legions, proud soldiers that held artifacts and victory in the same hand fate dealt them. But fate is a fickle friend, and not even the Kor could withstand changes to their wartorn world-- Abrupt Decay would follow a Creeping Corrosion, preceding a vast Stony Silence. The deck no longer holds the Kor, but the wise and powerful monks, aided by those who pledged themselves to the Path. The Path is unyielding. The Path is strengthened by the prowess of its people. The Path is perfection.

    March 27, 2015 8:50 p.m.

    Femme_Fatale says... #5


    Thank you Cipher001~!

    March 27, 2015 10:45 p.m.

    Cipher001 says... #6

    I'm glad you like it. I was afraid it might not be to your liking.

    March 27, 2015 11:13 p.m.

    Femme_Fatale says... #7

    I changed it to how I feel felt more to the aspects of the deck and what it lost to. It's also a little more detailed. I shall credit you regardless Cipher001.

    March 27, 2015 11:16 p.m.

    Cipher001 says... #8

    You don't have to-- the way it is now looks a fair bit different from the original, enough for you to be able to call it your own.

    March 27, 2015 11:18 p.m.

    Femme_Fatale says... #9

    Oh hush. I would not have been able to write it without your groundwork, as such I must put down references :3

    March 27, 2015 11:20 p.m.

    Femme_Fatale says... #10

    But damn, I wish I could put more in the opening hook ... the amount of characters that are allowed on the feature queue is so limited ;-;

    March 27, 2015 11:23 p.m.

    Hahaha love the part when you credit Cipher001! Is that size 3 or size 4 font?

    March 27, 2015 11:26 p.m.

    xzzane says... #12

    I also like how you said "someone call my name". Yeah, your brother, ya dingbat >.<

    March 27, 2015 11:28 p.m.

    Femme_Fatale says... #13

    That is size 8 font FAMOUSWATERMELON.

    March 27, 2015 11:29 p.m.

    JexInfinite says... #14

    Are you going to have to change that awesome thumbnail? Most of the cards in the 75 look nowhere near as good.

    March 28, 2015 12:23 a.m.

    JexInfinite says... #15

    May I also suggest putting the card explanations in dropdown spoiler things? It makes it a lot easier to traverse the page when everything is neatly tucked away.

    March 28, 2015 12:25 a.m.

    Femme_Fatale says... #16

    Thumbnail? What are you talking about?

    And I though about doing spoilers but I found on other people's decks is that people won't read things in spoilers.

    March 28, 2015 2:23 a.m.

    Nef says... #17

    The featured card is no longer in the deck is what JexInfinite is trying to say i think

    March 28, 2015 7:47 a.m.

    JexInfinite says... #18


    I also hate scrolling past that wall of text.

    March 28, 2015 7:49 a.m.

    Femme_Fatale says... #19

    I'll leave it as Armament Master. He still attracts the attention of people when I deckcycle it.

    What are you using that takes you so long to scroll JexInfinite? It takes me less than a second.

    March 28, 2015 9:01 a.m.

    Kryzis says... #20

    Would it be a better idea to drop the 2 Cavern of Souls and 2 Mana Confluence for 4 Darksteel Citadel. An additional 4 artifacts that are immune to land hate, and since you only have 2 colors, Confluence doesn't seem necessary, and there is no more "tribalness" to this deck, the Cavern also seems unnecessary.

    March 28, 2015 4:12 p.m.

    Femme_Fatale says... #21

    I can't risk artifact lands Kryzis. Ideally I want to be dropping Myth Realized on turn 1 and Puresteel Paladin down on turn 2 and with artifact lands that isn't happening. Cavern of Souls is also important for going against twin decks in being able to drop down a Monastery Mentor or Puresteel Paladin without them getting countered. Mana Confluence is important post board because of all the blue and red that is in my sideboard.

    March 28, 2015 4:57 p.m.

    Kryzis says... #22

    Gotcha, so I guess metalcraft is pretty easily attainable with this deck.

    March 28, 2015 5:08 p.m.

    Femme_Fatale says... #23

    Not anymore ... and it is something I need to work on with this deck. I need to know whether or not Lingering Souls is needed, or if I should run something else.

    I want to up Monastery Mentor to 4. I also want to put in 2 Spidersilk Nets OR a Mox Opal and a Steelshaper's Gift. Tempted to also put in 2 Puresight Merrow and a Grapeshot so I can storm combo my way to victory. If I do that I'll need more Steelshaper's Gifts and another Paradise Mantle.

    I'll figure most of this out with the modern tournament I have running here on T/O.

    March 28, 2015 5:42 p.m.

    JRaynor says... #24

    When you're looking at the page on an iPhone, long text blocks are your enemy. It's no problem on a computer. I really like the revision to the deck list. Really enjoy watching the evolution of an effective home-brew modern deck.

    March 28, 2015 5:50 p.m.

    Oh, hate to criticize again, but how is this storm?

    March 28, 2015 10:19 p.m.