Naya Plus Counters

Commander / EDH Local_Hethen


First Update —July 2, 2023

I swapped out the commander to Marath, Will of the Wild. It's instant speed ability proved more useful to move counters and deal direct damage than Bright-Palm, Soul Awakener Backup ability. The Backup ability is nice and its effect is suited for this decks play style so it gets to stay in lineup.

I focused +1/+1 counter generation with Doubling Season, Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider, and Branching Evolution.

I also found myself removing much of the red spells in the deck in favor of better green and white spells that increase counter generating. I am not thrilled about removing much of the red, so the next update may be about me finding ways to increase the amount of red spells, and still compliment the deck.

I found that I need to increase draw power and keep my hands full of answers. Board wipes are a constant issue, so increasing defensive spells is a future must.

Some notes about my play style. I play with friends in a casual format. We enjoy playing the game over winning, and my decks are tailored to that. Also, I found that d6's used as counters for your creatures in this deck should be swapped out for d20's instead, just a bit of fyi.