Meren's Recycling Station (Retired)

Commander / EDH Master_J


New Card —Feb. 20, 2020

OUT: God-Eternal Bontu

IN: Erebos, Bleak-Hearted

Trading out a mass sac outlet for more stable draw. I don't tend to flood a field to draw with Bontu, so I figured slowly gaining advantage through Erebos is better for this deck and is more of what it's looking to do.

Ripwater says... #1

Hey Master_J,

Just scrolling trough your decklist I do see a few things I would change I guess, that kinda makes the game less long and durdely...

Things I would remove are: Butcher of Malakir: You already run Grave Pact / Dictate... Do you really need another of those effects for 7 mana? I only run gravepact and I would swap that out if I owned another Dictate. I never really have the feeling I lack removal, so a Dictate would just be a little extra.

God-Eternal Bontu: If you play it for the card draw, I would just run a Hermit Druid. Wich really gives you a lot more cardadvantage by filling up the graveyard.

OVeral I think you could cut a few more Removal creatures to give your deck some utility. All-stars in my deck are: Golgari Grave-Troll: Dredge is retarded for Meren Life from the Loam: Again Dredge! Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip Discard of cards, comes with a token and meren can take her out of the graveyard. Sylvan Safekeeper To protect Meren on instant speed Oppression: You already play mindlslicer, so you can just as well rock this one. Agent of Erebos to nuke the other reanimator Liliana, Dreadhorde General

I know meren is already super slow and grindy, but using dredge really speeds things up, because it will fill up your graveyard. Having 41 creatures is nice, but you have a ton wich all do the same. So unless they get exiled, youll be stuck with you killing 1-3 creatures every turn. :)

January 29, 2020 9:51 a.m.

Master_J says... #2

Thanks Ripwater.

Generally, I think of Butcher of Malakir as a Grave Pact I can recur with Meren of Clan Nel Toth, so I'm likely to keep that over Grave Pact / Dictate of Erebos.

I generally like your dredge idea, but there tend to be many graveyard exile effects in my meta, so I don't want to load it up just to watch it get nuked. I've been through that before when I had more dredge / used Altar of Dementia on myself too much. I also currently do not own a Heritage Druid, and haven't exactly sought one out for this same reason.

I did run Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip for a bit, but I found I'd usually rather cast something else than try and get her to sit around while I killed something else. I also find her planeswalker form a little lacking overall.

I definitely need to pick up a Liliana, Dreadhorde General for this deck, as sometimes draw is a little lacking. I just dislike that I can't recur her with Meren.

I tried to swap a few larger creatures in that have kill spells attached to them (thinking things like Cavalier of Night) to try and get the 2-for-1 (beater and kill). But I'm definitely going to look into some of the things you mentioned and see how they play out for me.

Thanks for the input!

February 1, 2020 10:10 p.m.