Domain Zoo-Pact

Modern* Andramalech


Mainboard Updates v.1 —Feb. 14, 2024

After some frank discussion with user NoobNoob275 he recommended the following changes, and I will also detail my rebuttal commentary:

  1. Needing to flood the mainboard with counterspell capability, and at that, free spells. So Stubborn Denial comes out of the board in favor of Force of Negation.

  2. Monastery Swiftspear was slowing the build (wild) and so, I needed to rebuild the slot with something that would facilitate ramp, along with fodder to the Force cards. So oddly, Lorien Revealed does both. I don't like that at a glance it does what it needs to for such a useless card that I won't cast, but the cycling ability alongside the pitch to Force is exactly what I needed.

  3. Basic lands weren't helping my cause, and a few triomes coupled with some fetchlands really help streamline the domain activation if I miss my guildpact turn zero. This is where Windswept Heath became more relevant and replaced Verdant Catacombs. Also, a single copy of Misty Rainforest really helped bump up the capability to hit all of my colors as fast as possible for effect.