Worst Fears

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Worst Fears


You control target player during that player's next turn. Exile this. (You see all cards that player could see and make all decisions for the player.)

Profet93 on Favorite EDH Cards

5 months ago


Anyone who has seen me comment on their deck will know I love using people's cards against them. Whether it's Worst Fears (the mythic I got in my first pack coming back into MTG), Mindslaver (flashbacks to academy ruins lock) or Emrakul, the Promised End, their hand is my hand. And with that hand I say why are you hitting yourself? LOL

As such, my 3 favorite cards are Deflecting Swat, Misdirection and Imp's Mischief. The first 2 can be cast for free which is great as you can bluff interaction. The latter is usually unexpected, until your playgroup asks why are you holding 2 mana after casting a large Torment of Hailfire and then they learn that with 2 mana open, you too can be the blue player!

Made_Compleat on Free Money! No Strings Attached!

8 months ago

Worst Fears.

Put this bad boy under Magar and you can do some pretty silly things.

You have to discard it to have it be in your graveyard, but that's not too hard for your deck.

Arthursb on MonoBlack - Devotion Control

10 months ago

Hello SufferFromEDHD and Profet93, thank you for the comments!

I have tried some of suggested cards, maybe it's worth to share the insights:

Having said all that, in the next update I'll add more creatures and Whip of Erebos in this deck to have more blockers and lifegain. I'm having issues to deal with voltron decks where the commanders reaches high power before I'm able to turn Erebos into a creature.

Profet93 on MonoBlack - Devotion Control

10 months ago

Arthursb +1

Overall nice deck. You don't have enough lifegain to balance out your lifeloss. You might want to consider adding more to offset it. Perhaps something as simple as a basilisk color?

Imp's Mischief - Speaking of lifeloss, this card is my favorite. Redirect targeted removal, draw and extra turns. Not to mention it can "counter" counterspells. Highly versatile card with the ability to bluff with 2 open mana is strong.

Insidious dreams is one of the worst black tutors and is prime for cutting. You don't get the cards in hand, they are susceptible to mill, and most importantly, discarding cards is additional cost to cast. With all of blacks amazing tutors, this should be swapped IMO.

Given you're basically playing mono black suicide, have you considered Profane Transfusion? It works quite well with your strategy, not to mention great synergy with Necropotence.

Another card that might be worth considering is Rings of Brighthearth. Coffers + Deserted temple + rings + swamps/urborg = infinite black mana. On it's own, it synergizes with your commander, top and villis to draw additional card exchanging mana in place of life. Moreover with top, it allows you to draw based purely on mana. Furthermore, with top and fetchlands you can set up your draws.

What is your answer to artifacts and enchantments? You might want to consider an Oblivion Stone or nev disk. I understand 20% of your deck are enchantments but sometimes the board just needs to go boom. With your commander you should be able to break parity and rebuild more easily.

Another way to potentially answer pesky problems is Worst Fears. It's another pet card of mine but it has huge potential. Make them keep their commander in exile, use their removal on themselves (or another opponent), provide you info of their hand + deck. If its 1v1 after 2 others have died, then you effectively skip their turn by making them tap out and then you can securely go for the win. It's expensive mana wise but it packs quite a punch. The higher cmc also works well with Twilight Prophet

TTT60 on Belbe's Big Mana Spells, Fog, & Magecraft Combos

1 year ago

I think the deck would do better with a bit more board interation. Maybe replace Worst Fears with In Garruk's Wake?

And maybe Sadistic Sacrament, Utopia Sprawl, and Well of Lost Dreams with cards like Mortality Spear or Maelstrom Pulse or World Breaker (a personal favorite of mine as well as theme-fitting for you)

Profet93 on EDH - Kill 1 opponent …

1 year ago


Telepath is cool, but you wanna know some other cool tech?

Worst Fears , Mindslaver , Emrakul, the Promised End - Why should I politic my opponent when we can play MTG, "together." With Emrakrul, I ask, "who wants an extra turn!?" and then just smile with a sadistic glee. Most people shy away from attacking you when you can just easily tutor for and cast a mindslaver effect and ruin them. Whether its exiling their own commander, or using their own necropotence for suicide, most people don't risk it. It's an all or nothing approach that has a 50/50 success rate.

But on a serious note, I think a lot of politics boils down to the carrot and the stick mentality, a lot like real life politics.Consequences for every action, determining how to navigate threats and advocate for yourself in the face of the adversity of others.

MafiozyA on Tergrid Wheels

1 year ago

Thanx for your reply! Yes, Sheoldred, the Apocalypse is great. I've been considering changing Tergrid with her. =) Torment of Hailfire was opted out from the deck, because it was too strong and.. not very interactive, I guess. It somehow had the same outcome each time: generate 15+ mana, tutor > hellfire > win, if not counterd. I've decided it was not with the casual theme of the deck.

Geth's Grimoire is good, but the payoff of drawing cards seemed redundant in this deck. Tinybones, Trinket Thief is cheaper and at least gives black devotion for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Gray Merchant of Asphodel, but I do not like that his activated ability will probably never be used in such a deck.

Worst Fears is surprisingly good here, because with big draw engines it gives you a lot of options of messing up with opponent plans with there own cards (also you choose what to give to Tergrid, if she is in play)

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