What happens when a stolen creature flips?

Asked by Panzerforge 7 years ago


Player 1 has Thing in the Ice  Flip, chilling out with 1 ice counter.


Player 2 drops Kari Zev's Expertise, targeting Thing in the Ice  Flip, and follows up by playing Shock without paying its mana cost, targeting Player 1.

What happens now?

I think it's:
Player 2 steals Thing in the Ice  Flip, which then flips into Awoken Horror  Flip, (because of Shock) Player 2 is now the proud controller of a haste enabled Awoken Horror  Flip that is theirs until the end of turn, when it goes back to Player 1's control.

That is not, however, how everyone sees it.


Epochalyptik says... Accepted answer #1

Transforming doesn't cause a permanent to leave the battlefield unless the transform instructions include exiling the card and then returning it to the battlefield. Because the permanent doesn't leave the battlefield, transforming doesn't interfere with control, equipment, auras, and the like (unless the equipment or auras could not be legally attached to the permanent due to its new characteristics).

April 7, 2017 2 a.m.

sonnet666 says... #2

It basically works like you said it, except that Player 2 casts Shock as part of the resolution of Kari Zev's Expertise.

Step by step it goes like this:

  1. Player 2 casts Kari Zev's Expertise targeting Player 1's Thing in the Ice  Flip.
  2. Player 1 has no response.
  3. Kari Zev's Expertise begins to resolve.
  4. Kari Zev's Expertise's first effect takes place, giving Player 2 control of Player 1's Thing in the Ice  Flip until end of turn.
  5. Kari Zev's Expertise's second effect takes place, letting Player 2 cast Shock without paying it's mana cost.
  6. Because Thing in the Ice  Flip is now controlled by player 2, Thing in the Ice  Flip's third ability triggers due to the casting of Shock, but waits until a player would receive priority to be placed on the stack.
  7. Kari Zev's Expertise finishes resolving and is removed from the stack.
  8. The game goes to give Player 2 priority and sees that Thing in the Ice  Flip's trigger is waiting to be placed on the stack, it goes on the stack.
  9. Neither player responds.
  10. Thing in the Ice  Flip's trigger resolves, transforming it into Awoken Horror  Flip.
  11. Awoken Horror  Flip's trigger goes on the stack.
  12. Neither player responds.
  13. Awoken Horror  Flip's trigger resolves, bouncing all non-Horror creatures.
  14. Shock resolves.
  15. If neither player has anything else to play, the game moves to combat and Awoken Horror  Flip can attack since it has haste for the turn.
April 7, 2017 4:05 a.m.

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