Tajic, Legion's Edge or Stormwild Capridor, can I choose which damage prevention ability goes first?

Asked by carpecanum 7 months ago

I had Tajic, Legion's Edge and the Stormwild Capridor on the field. I cast Chandra's Ignition on Tajic to cause 3 damage to creatures and players. Can I choose to stack triggers so that the Stormwild Capridor prevents the damage (and thus gains 3 counters) instead of having Tajic prevent the damage?

wallisface says... #1

No. Stormwild Capridor's ability only triggers if noncombat damage would be dealt to it. Tajic, Legion's Edge prevents any noncombat damage happening to any of your creatures to begin with - which means that Stormwild Capridor's ability never has a chance to trigger (as it would never receive noncombat damage)

November 10, 2023 2:05 a.m.

Gidgetimer says... Accepted answer #2

Stormwild Capridor doesn't have a triggered ability. It has a prevention effect. Tajic, Legion's Edge also has a prevention effect. As the controller of Stormwild Capridor you get to decide the order that prevention effects apply. (there is an order for some effects listed in 616.1, but both rules here apply during the "any effect may be chose" phase. If you want the full text of 616.1 it can be found here)

603.1. Triggered abilities have a trigger condition and an effect. They are written as “[When/Whenever/At] [trigger condition or event], [effect]. [Instructions (if any).]”

616.1. If two or more replacement and/or prevention effects are attempting to modify the way an event affects an object or player, the affected object’s controller (or its owner if it has no controller) or the affected player chooses one to apply, following the steps listed below. If two or more players have to make these choices at the same time, choices are made in APNAP order (see rule 101.4).

November 10, 2023 7:53 a.m.

Rhadamanthus says... #3

Gidgetimer has the right answer. Both of these are prevention effects and will get handled by the process given in rule 616.1.

I have reselected the response chosen as the "Accepted answer" to reflect this.

November 10, 2023 8:23 a.m. Edited.

carpecanum says... #4

Thank you

November 10, 2023 10:39 a.m.

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