Skirsdag high priest and Chronomaton

Asked by jamboski 10 years ago

Could you tap Chronomaton and Royal Assassin to activate Skirsdag High Priest ability and this would also allow you to ad 1/1 to Chronomaton and kill with assassin?

Absinthman says... Accepted answer #1

No, you can't do that. This is a pretty common type of question. You can't tap one thing to pay for two different abilities, the same way can't pay for two Shock s with one red mana, or for two one-dollar items with just one dollar bill, as some people here like to say.

May 30, 2014 6:05 a.m.

K1LR0Y says... #2

Absinthman is right, it would be like saying im gonna tap a mountain and play all of my 1-drops in my hand because they all cost 1 red to play, they are individual abilities. tapping them is an effect of Skirsdag High Priest 's ability, thus not activating the ability's of Chronomaton and Royal Assassin .

May 30, 2014 11:12 a.m.

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