Reality Strobe + Copying target spell effect

Asked by Sathanas 9 years ago

I have a Reality Strobe coming out of suspend and put it on the stack. And I have a Nivix Guildmage on the battlefield and I use its second effect to copy Reality Strobe when the copy resolves does the copy become suspended or no?

And then along a similiar line how does Eye of the Storm interact with Reality Strobe.

So I guess do copied spells have the ability to be suspended?

erabel says... Accepted answer #1

Short answer: no.

Long answer:

All you have to know is that copies of spells that go to zones other than the stack cease to exist as a state-based action. When you copy that Reality Strobe, the copy technically exiles itself, but it'll stop existing pretty soon thereafter. You won't have to worry about suspend.

May 2, 2015 3:20 a.m.

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