Question with Rally The Ancestor triggers and opponent interaction

Asked by sarekire 9 years ago

If I play Rally the Ancestors and bring to the battlefield two Gray Merchant of Asphodel + Sidisi, Undead Vizier + Nyx Weaver , can my opponent Hero's Downfall a Nyx Weaver to cut back the devotion?

Can you explain how priority works here? I believe that I get to finish all of my triggers before his downfall hits the stack is this true?

Denial048 says... Accepted answer #1

When Rally the Ancestors resolves, all your creatures enter the battlefield at the same time, and all their abilities trigger, which causes them to go on the stack. At this time, players can respond, so your opponent can kill off Nyx Weaver. Since Garys ability checks devotion on resolution, this will work for your opponent.

May 10, 2015 5:25 a.m.

sarekire says... #2

Thank you

May 10, 2015 6:11 p.m.

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