Looking for the interaction of Anikthea, Hand of Erebos enchantment token and a copy spell light populate. Also Vihaan, Goldwaker and Cybermen Squadron.

Asked by bhst5019 2 months ago

So, I have Anikthea, Hand of Erebos in play, it has copied a Sterling Grove. The 3/3 creature is now in play. I now copy it with a populate card. My question is about the token it produces. Is it a creature or just an enchantment? Also something that just copies a token, will the Sterling Grove be a creature?

This is a similar question. Vihaan, Goldwaker is in play with Cybermen Squadron. I head to combat making a treasure token a 3/3. I then attack with the token, triggering Myriad. Are the tokens made, 3/3 or are they just tapped regular treasure tokens?

Rhadamanthus says... Accepted answer #1

There are different answers for these situations. For the Anikthea, Hand of Erebos question, the populated token will also be a black 3/3 Enchantment Creature - Zombie copy of Sterling Grove. For the Vihaan, Goldwaker / Cybermen Squadron question, the myriad tokens will be non-creature Treasures.

An object's "copiable characteristics" are its base printed characteristics plus the results of any other copy effects that are currently being applied to it (i.e. copying a Clone pretending to be Runeclaw Bear will make another Bear, not another Clone). For tokens, their "printed" characteristics are the ones they were created with. This means the copiable characteristics of Anikthea's tokens include the 3/3 black zombie creature part, but the copiable characteristics of Vihaan's awakened treasures are just regular treasures.

April 12, 2024 5:27 p.m.

bhst5019 says... #2

Can the treasure tokens even be created, since they cannot be attacking?

April 12, 2024 9:34 p.m.

Rhadamanthus says... #3

Yes the myriad tokens in the Vihaan-Cybermen example will be created. A resolving spell/ability will do as much as it can and skip any impossible parts. The tokens will be created tapped, since there's no problem with doing that part, they just won't be attacking since they aren't creatures. They will still get exiled at the end of combat so you'll need to get creative if you want to make use of them.

April 15, 2024 8:20 a.m.

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