Leyline Tyrant or Horizon Stone: which takes priority?

Asked by OP_9 3 years ago

I'm building a Yurlok of Scorch Thrash commander deck, and am considering both Leyline Tyrant and Horizon Stone for it. My question is, if both are on the field at the same time, will unused red mana stay red or become colorless? I guess the same can be asked about Omnath, Locus of Mana and Horizon Stone regarding green mana, since I'm also planning to run Omnath

I'm not entirely sure about this one, but my guess would be this:

The event occurs that you would lose mana from your pool. You choose one of the replacement effects to apply. The other one fails to find an event to replace, so it doesn't apply.

March 29, 2021 12:45 a.m.

Azdranax says... #2

The colored mana would remain colored (either red or green) based on Leyline Tyrant's and/or Omnath's replacement effects, as the triggered effect of Horizon Stone would not apply to those colors while they are in play. Mana of any other type would be converted to colorless though.

March 29, 2021 2:43 a.m.

Polaris says... Accepted answer #3

To be totally clear here, only Horizon Stone has a replacement effect here. Omnath, Locus of Mana and Leyline Tyrant have static abilities that keep you from losing mana of the specified color at all, so there's no mana loss event for Horizon Stone to apply to.

To see how Leyline Tyrant and Horizon Stone's abilities differ, technically Horizon Stone happens over and over. Since you lose mana at the end of each step and phase of the turn, Stone continuously rolls it over as colorless mana (even if it was colorless mana Horizon Stone already converted). Leyline Tyrant just applies a modifier as long as it's in play that keeps from being lost.

March 29, 2021 10:40 a.m.

Polaris says... #4

(Also, none of the three effects are triggered abilities. They don't use the stack and can't be responded to or countered.)

March 29, 2021 10:42 a.m.

Azdranax says... #5

Polaris thanks for cleaning up and clarifying my response here, I was trying to provide a correct answer very late in the evening while a little high on painkillers following a recent surgery and obviously convoluted the answer by including the word triggered when it did not apply. Good looking out.

March 29, 2021 2:44 p.m.

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