Interaction between Lure and Sword of Hours

Asked by CamraMaan 1 year ago

Both Lure and Sword of Hours are on an 8/8 deathtouch trample creature. This creature attacks and is blocked by three 2/2 creatures. How many times will Sword of Hours trigger and make me roll a d12?
Thanks in advance!

Yesterday says... Accepted answer #1

The creature in question deals all of its damage simultaneously. Even though that damage is spread out among three creatures and probably also the player, your creature unfortunately only deals combat damage once, so the sword'll only trigger once.

Or... twice, if you include the trigger on attack.

April 10, 2023 7:39 a.m.

CamraMaan says... #2

Thank you!

Also, if it has double strike it'll deal twice. But it's not enough for my deck build (General Marhault Elsdragon) unless it triggers on each creature. Cheers!

April 10, 2023 9:43 a.m.

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