Interaction between Lure and Nacatl War-Pride

Asked by CamraMaan 1 year ago

So I have Lure on a random creature, and Nacatl War-Pride in play, and I attack with both. Does one supersede the other, in terms of whether or not the War-Pride gets blocked? Does the blocking opponent or I choose if Lure overrides the War-Pride? If it gets blocked, I would assume they choose by which creature? I never realized how many quandaries playing with Lure a lot would bring up in my head. Lots of other card wordings get weird when Lure is involved. Anyway, thanks in advance!

Gidgetimer says... Accepted answer #1

Both Lure and Nacatl War-Pride create a requirement for blocking. The maximum number of requirements must be followed without breaking any restrictions when declaring blockers. Each blocker must be assigned to block something, but as long as none of the Nacatl War-Pride are doubled blocked the same number of requirements are going to be fulfilled by all arrangements of everything blocking, so the defending player will be able to choose beyond those requirements.

TL;DR: Each blocker must either block a Nacatl War-Pride that no other creature is blocking or the Lured creature.

April 10, 2023 2:14 p.m.

CamraMaan says... #2

Much appreciated!

April 10, 2023 2:19 p.m.

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