How would "Conspiracy" work with effects that change my creatures types?

Asked by DimitriBloodmoon 8 years ago

For example; if I have Conspiracy on my side of the field, and I've named zombies, and my opponent plays Olivia Voldaren and uses her first ability to ping one of my creatures and turn it into a vampire. Is my creature now permanently a Zombie Vampire? Or does the vampire fall off at some point?

filledelanuit says... #1

Type changing effects that don't have an effect as part of their ability will last for as long as it stays on the battlefield. The effect from Olivia will last for as long as your creature is on the battlefield.

August 3, 2015 1:57 p.m.

DJSeras says... Accepted answer #2

Under the rulings for Conspiracy:

9/20/2013 : Affected spells, cards, and creatures lose all of their other creature types.

Which means everything will lose those types upon Conspiracy entering the battlefield, but if you use Olivia Voldaren's first ability after Conspiracy has entered the battlefield then her ability will have a timestamp that will be newer than Conspiracy's effect and thus be the final type changing effect applied

August 3, 2015 2:54 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #3

So in simpler terms:

All creatures and creature cards in all zones will be Zombies, and all creatures on the battlefield that Olivia pings will be Zombie Vampires until they leave the battlefield.

August 3, 2015 3:47 p.m.

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