How to deal with Counterspell + Swarm Intelligence?

Asked by pedroedmarcos 5 years ago

Hey there,

So I was playing some weeks commander with my friends and one of my opponents had Swarm Intelligence on the battlefield. I tried to cast Rhythm of the Wild and my opponent casted counterspell triggering the intelligence. I Had a Disallow in my hand but I decided to let it resolve.

Since then I was thinking about the Inteligence trigger. Can he copy the counterspell even if it is not on the stack anymore? I mean:

0- I cast something 1- He casts counterspell 2- Trigger Swarm Intelligence 3- I use disallow on counterspell and he let this resolves.

What happens to the swarm intelligence trigger? Still becomes a counterspell? Is there any way of my spell not being countered in this situation with this cards?

Rhadamanthus says... Accepted answer #1

Swarm Intelligence can make a copy of a countered spell. Since the triggered ability doesn't target the spell being copied, the ability can still resolve if something happens to remove the spell from the stack. The copy effect will use the last-known-information about the spell to make the copy.

May 9, 2019 6:22 p.m.

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