How many counters with Mowu + Biogenic Upgrade?

Asked by Penguno 5 years ago

If I cast Biogenic Upgrade on only Mowu, Loyal Companion , how many counters would he receive in total?

ClockworkSwordfish says... Accepted answer #1

He would get nine. Biogenic Upgrade is a single source of counters, so regardless of how many it puts on Mowu, he adds one - so in this case, four. Then the number of counters is doubled (from four to eight) but since this again counts as putting counters on Mowu, one more is added, so he gets an additional five. In the end, that's a total of nine counters from Biogenic Upgrade.

May 4, 2019 2:05 p.m.

Penguno says... #2

ClockworkSwordfish Thank you. I wasn't sure if the phrase "distribute" meant that I would be giving +1/+1 counters 3 times or if I would be giving 3 +1/+1 counters instantly.

May 5, 2019 1:38 a.m.

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