How does Sarinth Steelseeker interact with Rashmi and Ragavan?

Asked by S0me0nesp3c1al 9 months ago

I was reading into some of the cascade abilities and felt like I understood it but this one kinda has me stumped. Granted I am test playing the deck and my board has gotten crazy. So the scenario is I have a Rashmi and Ragavan on my board along with a Sarinth Steelseeker , Wild-Magic Sorcerer , and Rain of Riches. I cast Killer Service from my hand as my first spell this turn using mana from a Treasure Token. I believe I have it correct up to the following.

On cast, I have two separate triggers from Rashmi and Ragavan and Rain of Riches. I will place Rain of Riches on the stack first and Rashmi and Ragavan after. Priority passes and it begins to resolve.

Rashmi and Ragavan exiles a card from the top of the target opponent's library and creates a treasure token. For this scenario, let's say it is a Spark Double and I can cast it without paying its mana cost.

My question is at this point do I cast Spark Double? and then Wild-Magic Sorcerer triggers? At what point does Sarinth Steelseeker Trigger? Is the casting of Spark Double still apart of Rashmi and Ragavan resolution?

Can anyone help explain this scenario?

Rhadamanthus says... Accepted answer #1

A point of detail first: Rain of Riches and Wild-Magic Sorcerer don't "trigger" here, rather they give the cascade ability to the first spell you cast that meets their requirements. Cascade itself is a triggered ability, but it's coming from the spell it's on, which here would be Killer Service and later Spark Double. This doesn't cause a problem with your scenario because you still get to choose the order of Killer Service's cascade trigger and Rashmi and Ragavan's triggered ability since they're trying to go onto the stack at the same time.

You get to choose the order of the triggers. If you're taking the option to cast Spark Double without paying its mana cost, that means it's happening during the resolution of Rashmi and Ragavan's triggered ability. Abilities can trigger during the resolution of another spell/ability, but they have to wait until that other spell/ability is finished resolving before they can be put onto the stack. Spark Double's cascade trigger and Sarinth Steelseeker's triggered ability both trigger during the resolution of Rashmi and Ragavan's ability, so that means they're trying to go onto the stack at the same time after it's done and you get to choose the order.

August 30, 2023 8:57 a.m.

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