does rakdos reduce kozilek's waste mana cost

Asked by Shana42 7 years ago

I am curious if Rakdos, Lord of Riots can reduce the waste mana symbols on Kozilek, the Great Distortion because those can be paid with a (1) mana as long as its not colored and rakdos reduces by (1) does it remove the waste mana costs on kozilek?

RicketyEng says... Accepted answer #1

Rakdos reduces the cost to cast a creature by one generic mana. There is a difference between generic mana and colourless mana.

No, he will not be able to reduce the cost to cast Kozilek, the Great Distortion to less than two colourless mana. He can reduce it by the 8 generic mana.

June 21, 2016 6:26 p.m.

Shana42 says... #2

that is what I thought but I wanted to make sure thank you <3

June 21, 2016 6:34 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #3

"Waste mana" is not a thing.

The symbol is used to denote colorless mana.

This is different from generic mana, which is denoted numerically using symbols like or .

Colorless mana costs must be paid with colorless mana.

Generic mana costs can be paid with any color of mana or with colorless mana.

Rakdos, Lord of Riots's ability reduces the generic mana required to cast certain spells. It does not reduce colorless requirements.

June 21, 2016 6:36 p.m.

Shana42 says... #4

sorry I was just calling it waste mana because of wastes lands producing colorless mana I know its just colorless mana

June 21, 2016 9:58 p.m.

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