Damage increaser, doubler, and boardwipe? (Replacement Effects)

Asked by WillowtheCouncil 4 years ago

For Instance, I have a Dictate of the Twin Gods and Torbran, Thane of Red Fell. If I cast Lightning Bolt on an opponent, I know that they choose the order of the replacement effects, either doing 10 damage or 8 damage.

What happens if I use Chandra's Ignition though? Would each player decide the order for each permanent/player, or is there a default affected player who would choose the order for EVERYTHING?

Tylord2894 says... Accepted answer #1

Whenever multiple players are asked to make a choice, they do so in APNAP order. So, when you cast Chandra's Ignition you choose how damage will affect your creatures (although, Torbran doesn't affect your creatures). Then, each player after you in turn order chooses how deal will affect them and their creatures. Mostly likely though, they will pick the lowest amount for everything, so this doesn't take a great deal of time.

In case you're curious,

616.1. If two or more replacement and/or prevention effects are attempting to modify the way an event affects an object or player, the affected object’s controller (or its owner if it has no controller) or the affected player chooses one to apply, following the steps listed below. If two or more players have to make these choices at the same time, choices are made in APNAP order (see rule 101.4).

May 16, 2020 1:25 p.m.

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