Collected Company and Selfless Spirit sacrifice interactions

Asked by msmahaj722 6 years ago

I’m wondering what interactions occur with cards like Selfless Spirit and Collected Company.

For example, let’s say I have a Birds of Paradise in play and my opponent casts Lightning Bolt to destroy it. I then cast Collected Company in response choose cast Selfless Spirit as a result. Would I then be able to immediately sacrifice Selfless Spirit in order to save my Birds of Paradise?

I’m confused about how the stack would operate in this scenario. I have the same question about Mausoleum Wanderer in replacement of Selfless Spirit. Same scenario, I would just be attempting to cast Company to counter a spell using the sacrifice ability of Mausoleum Wanderer.

DragonGodKing90 says... Accepted answer #1

Collected Company doesn't "cast" the creatures. other than that, you would be able to use the Selfless Spirit to save the Birds of Paradise.

the stack is actually quite simple when you break it down. anytime something is added to the stack, and anytime something on the stack resolves, there is a round of priority where players can add more effects to the stack. so it would work like this...

  1. opponent casts Lightning Bolt, targeting Birds of Paradise.
  2. with Lightning Bolt on the stack, you cast Collected Company.
  3. if nothing else is added to the stack, the Collected Company resolves first, and you put Selfless Spirit into play.
  4. Lightning Bolt still hasn't resolved, and you may activate the ability of Selfless Spirit by sacrificing it. Birds of Paradise becomes indestructible.
  5. Lightning Bolt resolves, but it doesn't matter.

the situation with Mausoleum Wanderer is basically exactly the same.

June 5, 2018 9:28 p.m.

Caerwyn says... #2

Here's how it would work:

  1. Your opponent casts Lightning Bolt targeting your Birds of Paradise. Lightning Bolt is on the stack.

  2. While Lightning Bolt is on the stack, you cast Collected Company. Lightning Bolt is now on the stack first; Collected Company is on the stack second.

  3. Collected Company resolves. You then put two creatures on the battlefield, including Selfless Spirits. This is not important in this situation, but I figured I'd point it out--you DO NOT cast these creatures. They are "put" on the battlefield, not ever cast. As such, they can't be countered and will not trigger abilities on the cast. Not relevant here, but it's a really important distinction you should know. But I digress. The stack now looks like this: Lightning Bolt.

  4. Selfless Spirits does not have a ability, so you can activate it immediately. You activate it in response to the Lightning Bolt which is still on the stack. The stack now has Lightning Bolt first, Selfless Spirits' ability second.

  5. Selfless Spirits resolves, granting your creatures indestructible. Lightning Bolt is still on the stack.

  6. Lightning Bolt resolves, but your Birds are indestructible.

For Mausoleum Wanderer the same is true--just substitute out Selfless Spirits.

Edit: Ninja'd!

June 5, 2018 9:31 p.m. Edited.

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