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Can you cast 0 CMC Suspend cards like Wheel of Fate from outside your hand?

Asked by RedUndead40 4 years ago

I'm curious about the rules for casting or suspending cards without mana costs like Wheel of Fate .

Can I cast this card off the top of my library with Experimental Frenzy ?

Can I cast this card from exile with Light Up the Stage ?

If I put this card under Thief of Sanity can I cast it?

And for all of the above scenarios, can I cast it for 0 or do I have to suspend it?

Thanks in advance!

Kogarashi says... Accepted answer #1

The suspend cards would be unplayable in the given scenarios.

Suspend only works from your hand; it is not available as an alternative means of casting a spell in any zone other than your hand.

Cards with no mana cost such as Wheel of Fate can't have their mana costs paid, so they would only work with abilities that allow you to cast them "without paying their mana cost."

In the case of Experimental Frenzy , the card is in your library, not your hand, so you can't suspend it, and you can't play it by paying its mana cost because it has none.

Light Up the Stage and Thief of Sanity both put the card into exile, so you can't use suspend from there, and again, you can't pay a mana cost that doesn't exist in order to cast the card from the effect's normal means.

So you can't cast it for 0 or suspend it.

December 10, 2019 6:35 p.m.

dragonstryke58 says... #2

Just an amendment to Kogarashi's answer.

Cards with no mana cost such as Wheel of Fate can't have their mana cost paid, so they would only work with abilities that provide an alternative cost.

The effect of "without paying their mana cost" is a alternative cost. The ability of Fist of Suns would also provide an alternative cost.

117.9. Some spells have alternative costs. An alternative cost is a cost listed in a spell's text, or applied to it from another effect, that its controller may pay rather than paying the spell's mana cost. Alternative costs are usually phrased, "You may [action] rather than pay [this object's] mana cost," or "You may cast [this object] without paying its mana cost." Note that some alternative costs are listed in keywords; see rule 702.

December 10, 2019 6:57 p.m. Edited.

RedUndead40 says... #3

Thanks for the answers!

December 10, 2019 7:45 p.m.

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