Can someone explain to me how this combo works.

Asked by indieinside 6 months ago

Apocalypse + Barren Glory + Borne Upon a Wind

There are several like it and EDHREC says it works but it doesnt make any sense to me.

Apocalypse + Barren Glory + Leyline of Anticipation

legendofa says... Accepted answer #1

During your opponent's end step, right before your turn begins, cast Borne Upon a Wind (or start with Leyline of Anticipation in play). Flash-cast Barren Glory first, hold priority, and cast Apocalypse. (You do have just casually lying around, right?) Apocalypse resolves, emptying the battlefield and removing your hand. Barren Glory resolves and enters the battlefield.

As your turn starts and Barren Glory triggers on your upkeep, it checks that you control no permanents and have no hand (both true, thanks to Apocalypse). Since its conditions are met, it fully resolves and you win the game.

November 22, 2023 6:21 p.m.

indieinside says... #2

legendofa, thanks. Basically I am just playing off of the stack.

November 22, 2023 6:41 p.m.

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