Can I cast Summoner's Pact before Lion's Eye Diamond discard?

Asked by Sinist3r 8 years ago

So I was playing my SI list against a friend when I hit a weird interaction that I'm not sure of...I cast Cruel Bargain w/ Lion's Eye Diamond in play then before drawing 4, I tapped LED but from here can I cast Summoner's Pact before I discard? And will I keep the card I find or will I just discard it to LED anyways?

TheFoilAjani says... #1

The wording of your post is a little confusing, is this how you mean to say it?

  1. Cast Cruel Bargain.

  2. In response, activate Lion's Eye Diamond.

And this is where I'm confused. Is Summoner's Pact in your hand before Bargain resolves? If so, this is the stack.

  1. Cast Bargain.

  2. Activate LED.

3 Cast Pact.


  1. Pact resolves, and you grab a creature.

  2. You discard your hand, discarding your creature.

  3. Draw 4 cards.

How I think you want the stack to be is this.

  1. Cast Bargain.

  2. Cast Pact

  3. LED is activated.


  1. Discard your hand.

  2. Fetch for a creature.

  3. Draw 4 cards.

Is this how you meant for this to be? If not, I could answer better if you made the situation more clear.

June 6, 2016 11:27 p.m.

TheFoilAjani says... #2

The wording of your post is a little confusing, is this how you mean to say it?

  1. Cast Cruel Bargain.

  2. In response, activate Lion's Eye Diamond.

And this is where I'm confused. Is Summoner's Pact in your hand before Bargain resolves? If so, this is the stack.

  1. Cast Bargain.

  2. Activate LED.

3 Cast Pact.


  1. Pact resolves, and you grab a creature.

  2. You discard your hand, discarding your creature.

  3. Draw 4 cards.

How I think you want the stack to be is this.

  1. Cast Bargain.

  2. Cast Pact

  3. LED is activated.


  1. Discard your hand.

  2. Fetch for a creature.

  3. Draw 4 cards.

Is this how you meant for this to be? If not, I could answer better if you made the situation more clear.

June 6, 2016 11:27 p.m.

acbooster says... Accepted answer #3

The Pact would have to be cast before the LED activation because LED requires you to discard as part of the cost of the ability

June 6, 2016 11:29 p.m.

Sinist3r says... #4

TheFoilAjani I have the pact in my hand, sorry for not clarifying but thanks for the answer

June 6, 2016 11:37 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... #5

As acbooster said discarding your hand is part of the cost of activating LED. If you have Summoner's Pact in hand and would like to cast it you need to do so before activating LED.

June 7, 2016 12:12 a.m.

Epochalyptik says... #6

Note also that Lion's Eye Diamond has a mana ability. Mana abilities don't use the stack, and you can't respond to them.

June 7, 2016 6:24 a.m.

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