Awoken Horror ability on copy?

Asked by joegy117 8 years ago

Lets say there is an Awoken Horror  Flip on the field, and
a) I place a Mirror Mockery on it and attack...
b) I cast Altered Ego on it...
c) I cast Clever Impersonator on it...

Would any of these trigger the Awoken Horror effect?

I think Altered Ego and Clever Impersonator do but Mirror Mockery does not, but really I don't know if any do so.... HALP PLZ OK THANKS BYE!!!!

acbooster says... Accepted answer #1

No, none of them do. They key thing here is that the ability is when the creature TRANSFORMS into it. In Magic, transforming is a specific action which is turning a double-faced card to its other side.

The first example simply makes a token, and making a token that's a copy means that you get a token that's exactly like the card you can see. So in the case of DFCs, you get a token of the side that's face-up and that side alone. It can't transform and it can't get anything off of transforming.

The second and third examples are similar to the first, in that both of those will enter as copies of the Horror. This means that they enter as a 0 cost 7/8 Creature - Kraken Horror that's blue, but they won't copy the other side and can't transform.

April 6, 2016 2:09 a.m.

joegy117 says... #2

Damn...ok what if I copy Thing in the Ice  Flip, the copy can transform right?

April 6, 2016 2:15 a.m.

acbooster says... #3

Nope, being able to transform is a property of the actual card and not the permanent.

701.25a Only permanents represented by double-faced cards can transform. (See rule 711, Double-Faced Cards.) If a spell or ability instructs a player to transform any permanent that isnt represented by a double-faced card, nothing happens.

April 6, 2016 2:18 a.m.

acbooster says... #4

It is worth noting, however, that if a DFC becomes a copy of a card and then is forced to transform, it still will transform because the card itself is a DFC. Here's the example they have in the comprehensive rules:

Example: A player casts Cytoshape, causing a Kruin Outlaw  Flip to become a copy of Elite Vanguard until end of turn. The player then casts Moonmist. Because the copy of Elite Vanguard is a double-faced card, it will transform. The resulting permanent will have its back face up, but it will still be a copy of Elite Vanguard that turn.

April 6, 2016 2:25 a.m.

joegy117 says... #5

Final transform question acbooster: Lets say I cast Titan's Strength to flip Thing in the Ice  Flip, and in response the opponent casts Turn to Frog or another spell to change Thing in the Ice. If I am understanding you correctly Thing in the Ice would change to another creature, transform having its back face up but not triggering the transformation effect. Is this correct?

April 11, 2016 2:22 a.m.

krunch says... #6

Turning it to frog before he transforms will delay the transform until he casts another spell and triggers the transformation again.

If you frog him after transformation and the stack rule still applies he should turn to frog and lose horror type and so the effect that is still on stack would kill him as well. Stack should be: Transformation ability/Spell that triggered it/Turn to Frog <-- my point of view

June 12, 2016 8:19 a.m.

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