Anointed peacekeeper effect after it lft battlefield

Asked by caponelpalo 1 year ago


I doubt whether the card named by anointed peacekeeper would keep being 2 mana more expensive to cast, after anointed peacekeeper has left the battlefield (being anointed peacekeeper in the graveyard, for example) The same for the cost of activated habilities of the card named by anointed peacekeeper

Also, would anointed peacekeepeer make leaf-crowned visionary's drawing effect cost 2G or G?

Thanks very much in advance

420MensRightsActivist says... Accepted answer #1

you can link the card by putting double brackets around the card name

Anointed Peacekeeper

a card's static abilities are only effective while on the battlefield.

the card draw ability of Leaf-Crowned Visionary is a triggered effect (starts with either "when", "whenever", or "at") not an activated ability (written as "cost:effect".

September 5, 2022 3:40 p.m.

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