About the Legend rule as it pertains to enters the battlefield triggers.

Asked by Dawaxer 8 years ago

The question is basically: If I have a legendary creature in play, and I cast the same creature, do I get to activate triggers for the second one coming into play before it is checked for the legend rule?
Example 1: If I play two Pia and Kiran Nalaar, do both their triggers activate for the second cast before the legend rule destroys one? (meaning I'd get 6 tokens- 2 from the initial cast, then 4 from the second.)
Example 2: If I play two Sidisi, Undead Vizier, can I exploit the first one with the second before the Legend rule comes into effect?

State-based actions are game actions that happen when any of a set of improper conditions arise in the game. Whenever a player would gain priority, state-based actions first check for certain game conditions. If any of those conditions are met, the necessary actions are carried out simultaneously as a single event. Then, any triggered abilities go on the stack and the check is repeated. Once no conditions for state-based actions exist, the appropriate player gains priority.

So how I see this rule is: You play your Pia and Kiran Nalaar's. State based action realizes it is breaking the legend rule. So this would mean for pia and kiran, you would get four thopters then they would die. Sidisi is a little more complicated. Both sidisi's enter, the game sees that that is against the rule but waits for triggered abilities to be carried out. After exploiting a sidisi, the check repeats itself this time seeing that there is only one legend in play and you pass just fine.

July 23, 2015 2:10 p.m.

GoblinsInc says... #2

Pia enters the field, trigger its ability. It does not trigger the one already on the field, as when things mention themselves by name they mean "this object". State based actions are checked, performed (one pia goes to the yard, this is not destruction), and then the ability goes on the stack and will get you the two thopters when it resolves, leaving you with 4 total.

July 23, 2015 2:13 p.m.

GoblinsInc says... #3

For sidisi, no. Before the abilities even hit the stack you will have to pick one to send to the yard. The abilities (including the exploit from the one you sent to the yard) will then go on the stack. Make sure you sacrifice a creature to the right exploit!

July 23, 2015 2:15 p.m.

filledelanuit says... Accepted answer #4

Example 1: When a card references itself then it means "this card right here" not "any card with this name". So that means the first Pia and Kiran Nalaar will make 2 thopters and the second Pia and Kiran Nalaar will make another two but only after you have sent one to the graveyard.

Example 2: No. See explanation below about statebased effects.

Before a player would get priority the game checks if certain conditions are true, like is there lethal damage on a creature, the legend rule, etc. Then the results of the statebased effects happen at the same time. Then the game checks again until nothing had to be done then triggers go on the stack then the player gets priority.

That means that you will have gotten rid of one of the Sidisi, Undead Viziers before the trigger happens so you won't be able to sacrifice it.

July 23, 2015 2:19 p.m.

@GoblinsInc are you sure? I looked at the rulings and it says it checks the first time, waits for triggered abilities to resolves and checks again to see if there are still 2 in play (in short). So wouldn't Sidisi pass the second check? EDIT - Nevermind I guess i'm wrong XD

July 23, 2015 2:20 p.m. Edited.

filledelanuit says... #6

The_Dragonmaster read my explaination of the statebased effects.

July 23, 2015 2:22 p.m.

Yeah you ninja'd me and snuck in your comment before I could get in my second. Now that I see it I guess I'm wrong

July 23, 2015 2:23 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #8

Note that triggered abilities are not activated; they're triggered. Same for activated abilities; they're not triggered, they're activated.

Note also that the legend rule does not destroy anything, nor does it cause sacrifice. Rather, you choose one of the instances of the legendary permanent and put the rest into their owner's graveyard.

July 23, 2015 5:08 p.m.

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