Filthy Casuals - Episode 7 + 8 - The Dark x Fallen Empires - What's the opposite of power creep?

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Posted on June 17, 2021, 2:23 p.m. by oblivion8

Hey there Tapped Out community!

slaps hood of the booster boxes "These bad boys can go from 60 to 0 in 3 seconds flat!" stares despondently into the distance "60 to... 0... 3 seconds..."

Hoo boy do we have a double feature for you today. I took a break from posting the last episode as I thought it would be more fun to save you all for the double feature of The Dark and Fallen Empires, widely considered some of the worst magic of all time!

But fear not! We here at Filthy Casuals are 100% committed to bringing you entertaining content regardless of the product we're working on, and in that regard I think we succeeded, but you be the judge!



Surprisingly, there are actually cards for us to look for in these two sets, primarily singles like Blood Moon, High Tide and Hymn to Tourach. We'll see if either of the Filthy Casuals actually manage to pull any though!

Let us know down in the comments: what's your favourite card from either of these sets? Even though they were full of stinkers, I personally found a lot of nostalgia for some of the cards.

Thanks for watching and, as always, don't forget to sleeve your expensive cards!

Your Neighbourly-Friendly Filthy Casuals

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