Looking for an app on Kindle/android

Online Magic forum

Posted on Feb. 4, 2020, 7:57 a.m. by Celedhring

Hello I'm looking for and app to catalogue and reference my collection Ideally visual references (card art etc) updated regularly and on Kindle (pref) or Android Any ideas?

Rzepkanut says... #2

Decked Builder is my favorite app for building Magic decks and looking up cards quickly. Can't recommend it highly enough. This is coming from a normal user of the app for 5 or so years, I'm not associated with the developers in any way or paid to say this. Its only a few bucks to buy buy the app and it updates whenever new cards are made for free. I use it literally all the time pretty much every day.

Oh yeah and it has a collection tracking feature, which is what you actually asked about.

February 4, 2020 9:16 a.m. Edited.

shadow63 says... #3

M:tg tracker is pretty good.

February 5, 2020 2:04 a.m.

Boza says... #4

MTG Familiar I believe has that functionality, as well as many others.

February 5, 2020 10:40 a.m.

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