We got our planeswalker

Custom Cards forum

Posted on July 1, 2010, 12:50 a.m. by Xander574

who won? also put up the Rare challenge

mistergreen527 says... #2

Here's our winner:


For easy reference, here are the recommended changes made by the people that voted for Babaganoosh.

1) Siegfried: Change the name. Either increase the loyalty cost of the second ability, decrease the starting loyalty, or have the token enter the battlefield tapped.

2) banned: No change recommendations.

3) exarkun809: Make first ability related to red.

4) Jarrod_0067: Increase the starting loyalty. Add additional cost to second ability, such as losing life or discarding a card.

The new challenge should be up soon.

July 1, 2010 11:16 a.m.

I_Call_BS says... #3

1) Agreed. "the Lifeshaper" part is fine, but "Babaganoosh" is just strange. I'm not creative enough to come up with a real name... but it should change. 2) OK 3) It's already red. See Strange Inversion , Inside Out . R/U, but still. It's a multicolored card. 4) I'm not sure about the increase...but the second ability needs a little bit more to it for sure, though Jarrod's suggestions are off-color. Maybe make it "creature you control" and bump the loyalty up to 4 or 5, so it wouldn't be played the first turn it's in play.

July 1, 2010 2:47 p.m.

I_Call_BS says... #4

Also- what type of creature is Baba? That might be good to establish if we look for a picture.

July 1, 2010 2:49 p.m.

mistergreen527 says... #5

For the new challenge, I want to narrow down what everyone is submitting a little more. In the past, card creation vagueness has resulted in out of hand comment streams and suggestions (poorly worded sentence, sorry). So, I'm only going to ask for the three blue rares. I also want to establish what types they are. On the shared doc skeleton, you guys have one creature, one enchantment, and one unknown. Is it safe for me to ask the community for one rare blue creature, one rare blue enchantment, and one rare blue instant/sorcery?

Also, in that shared document, I marked two rows in green. The first one is a common green/blue. You guys have two common green/blue and zero common blue/red for Irindu. So, I believe that one of the G/Us should be a U/R. The second green row is a mythic rare for Irindu. This causes Irindu to have four mythics, while all of the other shards have three. Just thought I should point these out.

Finally, I know that I mentioned that I'm using Magic Set Editor before. I now have inserted everything Irindu-related (with the exception of the two green rows) into a file for anyone that wants me to email a copy to them.

July 1, 2010 4:27 p.m.

squire1 says... #6

I said nothing during the voting because the community should decide but...

The name was a joke on my part, please change it. I like the lifeshaper, but babganoosh is a joke and not spelled like the food anyway.

The first ability is a red/blue combo I say it fits

The second ability is play Clone for -3, fair I think. A change to starting loyalty is not needed it has the same CMC as clone but is harder to cast. If you play that ability the turn it comes in you played a clone BFD.

The third ability is shapeshifter through and through. It makes Mirror Entity , while not blue it should be. and it beefs creatures which is green.

It had 4 abilities before and I think the other one was more green in essence.

July 1, 2010 5:17 p.m.

squire1 says... #7

@mistergreen- The idea for the new challenge is great. I think that should limit it some. I would also suggest the limitation of the number of submissions per person

July 1, 2010 5:19 p.m.

Xander574 says... #8

limitations per person should be four submissions per person (normally three but since there are three different types of cards to be submited it makes more sense)(plus this isnt nearly as difficult to test as say a deck challenge)

The second ability should stay exactly as is. If its used on turn one, then it is a harder to cast clone. i dont see the problem. The only problem i see is the name. (i think it was squire who submited it so he should come up with the name)(Ganesh based off of Ganesha(the multi armed elephant god from hinduism) maybe. Stays with the middle eastern theme, and sounds similar haha)

Also remember the top ten planeswalker winners should get awards for them.

I changed teh Highlighted UG sphinx to UR and gave it firebreathing instead of trample.

July 2, 2010 5:38 a.m.

Xander574 says... #9

Also Got rid of the mono blue and made spawning sphinx just UG mythic. I mean when it comes to mythics we need to have the discussion of What are we doing with them I'm split on one hand It could be the section that the "R&D" team has the most freedom in creating CRAZY THINGS>as an almost gift to ourselves for doing so much work in doing this.(for free) on the other hand it is a community set and mythics are important to everyone, so Input from the masses should probably be warrented.

Maybe if someone is a winner of one of the other challenges on the site (the deck building ones krazycaley does) first place prize could be you get to design a mythic for the set (obviously we would have to approve it but it could be cool)

And we have showed how planeswalkers would be done. But we should only have three in the first set. So which three planes are we going to have planeswalkers for. and that leaves 12 mythics (or ten if we keep the two we made. YAY SPAWNING SPHINX AND FLUID DRAGON!!!!) (obviously irindu. I dont think BUG should have one.)

July 2, 2010 5:47 a.m.

Xander574 says... #10


July 2, 2010 6:02 a.m.

squire1 says... #11

I did submit it and the name should be changed, could care less to what.

As far as tropies, I think that we should issue them to people with winning designs. If we do the top ten each time that is like 3000 awards.

If awards is something we want to do I will post them for us.

July 2, 2010 9:42 a.m.

Xander574 says... #12

so i was thinking aa cool chalenge for the creative team could be to come up with a back story for bagan.

July 21, 2010 6:50 p.m.

honeymomo says... #13

Our next story is going to be for RWU shard.

July 21, 2010 9:23 p.m.

honeymomo says... #14

Ohhhhh your mean the backstory for the planessswalker... yeah it'll be worked into Irindu lol.

July 21, 2010 9:23 p.m.

Xander574 says... #15

what do you guys have so far...?

July 21, 2010 9:26 p.m.

honeymomo says... #16

Quiet a bit... It will be released as deadlines are set.

July 22, 2010 9:14 p.m.

squire1 says... #17

I have been working on it today. i will write something up for us all to discuss this weekend. It will involve a possible planewalker from the next set as well

July 22, 2010 10:21 p.m.

squire1 says... #18

Bagan is from the plain of Equilor, which has been previously described as one of the oldest planes and that it had stopped evolving and changing years ago, due to its advanced age. It is believed that Bagan may be one of the oldest planeswalkers. He was born with a spark that did not ignite for millenia. Like many Equilorians, Bagan had become one with the land and lay in contemplation. Unlike his peers, his spark manifested in him an existential urge, a desire for more, to look beyond. The Equilorian elders were unhappy and unsupported of Bagan's desires to leave and for change.

Bagan decided to break free of his environmental bond and become the autonomous type of being that the Equilorians were in the time before. Upon breaking free, he became obsessed with altering the environment around him and creatiing a vast diversity around him. He began experimenting with powerful magics geomancy, and aquamancy. But changing his environment was not enough. Bagan desired to change the life in his environment and began to create a new school of magic, biomancy.

Bagan manipulated the life of his birthplane to fit to his newly dynamic environment, but still desired more. He wanted to create life. After much research and many years of effort, Bagan ignited his spark with his creation of life. Bagan had created the first clone.

This was the last offense that the Equilorian elders would suffer of Bagan. They decided to end his tampering. Bagan was banished from Equilor and separated from his clone. In the days after Bagan's dismissal the clone was absorbed into the Caves of Equilor and the dynamic environment and life of the plane was changed back to the way they were before.

Bagan spent years aimlessly traveling from plane to plane after his banishment. After a number of years, he decided to once again take up his old ways. He wanted to create new life, create new environments, manipulate existance. He began by creating "Bagan's Ark". His ark was a vessel that e would use to collect living beings from planes that he visited as well as a lab for him to conduct his experiments on these beings.

At this point, Bagan has been to nearly every plane in existance and has left his marl on many of them, being personally responsible for developing many of the life that now populates these multiverse. He is even thought to be responsible for creating the flowstone technology that the phyrexians utilized.

Upon noticing that the plane of PLANE NAME was created, he saw it as an opportunity to shape a new world from scratch and took his ark immediately there. In the early days of his experimentation in PLANE NAME, his new iterations of life were twisted and by the odd power of the flow that was so abundant the, creating many mutants from his initial intention. After much time and effort, he began to understand the flow and actually use it to his advantage, creating wonderful new life that was unlike anything he had experienced before.

July 25, 2010 7:57 p.m.

squire1 says... #19

tell me what you guys think

July 25, 2010 8:04 p.m.

honeymomo says... #20

Hey Squire thanks for the story :) I'll throw in my $0.02.

If you're reaching from Equilor and talking about planeswalking there is some established lore that we have to take into consideration:

  • Planeswalking is totally random. My source would be the webcomic where Jace describes his feelings on planeswalking. He wakes up and never knows where he is and cannot control where he is going. Now Urza seems to be able to see and go places, but he is one of the most powerful planeswalkers and I don't think I want to make competition for him.
  • All the traveling takes up a lot of time. How are the animals surviving on the ark? From his original plane to Dominara "it takes ... 100 Dominarian years to get back." So are they organic or does he keep cloning them before they die?
The rough draft needs a lot of editing. The spelling, grammar and sentence structure need to be worked on greatly. That is something that can be easily fixed :).

I would desperately love to avoid biblical allusions. Noah already has an ark and I think we can be more original than that. Maybe just stick with his school of biomancy. You'll have to explain how he will planeswalk this giant ship and all life in it around.

July 26, 2010 1:08 a.m.

squire1 says... #21

great input honey. Actually all concerns that I had, but went with it anyway.

The spelling and grammar are partially due to the fact that I suck at that stuff, and partially due to my being completely bed ridden ill for the last couple days. Can't think straight.

I do think that he needs to have purpose or dirrection for his planeswalking and really needs to be able to control where he goes. This may be due to his extreme age, over the years he has learned how to control this.

The "ark" would fall into the same category. It took him years to develop something that he could take with him from plane to plane. Maybe he does not collect creatures though, as they would die. But instead he collects their DNA or essence to experement with.

The biblical thing may be a bit cheesy, I think that another name for the "ark" is fine. I just used it because it came to mind.

July 26, 2010 8:13 a.m.

honeymomo says... #22

Alright :) sounds good to me.

July 26, 2010 11:29 a.m.

squire1 says... #23

that being said, once I develop an idea I can't help but stand up for it, even if it is bad. Please comment and anyone who wishes to add or rewrite go for it. I will not be offended

July 26, 2010 5:50 p.m.

Dookie1984 says... #24

What are some good anti anti graveyard cards?? I need to protect my graveyard preferably proactively instead of reactively.Trying to stay in black and green but maybe red obviously colorless/artifacts are great

March 28, 2014 11:30 p.m.

SpaderAce says... #25

Underworld Cerberus makes so they can't target the creatures in your graveyard, do you have a decklist?

March 29, 2014 12:01 a.m.

miracleHat says... #26

Abrupt Decay is your best bit. Nature's Claim for really cheap, and Krosan Grip for the uncounterable.

March 29, 2014 12:21 a.m.

TheNinjaJesus says... #27

If I read your problem correctly, you're trying to prevent them from exiling/targeting your graveyard for hate.

Underworld Cerberus is definitely one of the better choices. Psychic Spiral flips the script against whomever is targeting the graveyard in question.

Bow of Nylea has you putting stuff from your graveyard into your library. At the bottom, but still better than nothing. Hell, since you're in black, you can just target with Diabolic Tutor after that.

Vessel of Endless Rest renders the same effect.

March 29, 2014 12:44 a.m.

Sov92 says... #28

Wheel of Sun and Moon the best anti graveyard strategy is not having a graveyard.

March 29, 2014 3:06 a.m.

Sagi007 says... #29

if your going for red i say Slaughter Games to prevent them from using their gravehate cards. but this would generally only work if you know what yardhate card they play. if its just Scavenging Ooze or Deathrite Shaman , Pithing Needle could work just as well.

if adding blue a simple Negate is the andser if its Rest in Peace /Crypt Incursion thats troubling you.

offtopic the master returns...again(FNM top4 shared 1st) was it you that i played against yesterday?

March 29, 2014 7:23 a.m.

kintighd says... #30

against cards that target Ground Seal works well. It works against things like scavenging ooze. And then abrupt decay is really your best option since it can hit all the graveyard hate that is in the current modern meta right now, and most of the standard graveyard hate.

March 29, 2014 10:14 a.m.

Sagi007 says... #31

bout that... witch format is this about actually? im thinking standard but we realy cant be sure...

March 29, 2014 10:20 a.m.

Dookie1984 says... #32

This is for modern. Sorry

March 30, 2014 4:57 a.m.

This discussion has been closed