
Commander / EDH Ender666666

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First test —May 24, 2014

Tested this deck out for the first time today in a 3 player Commander game.

I apologized ahead of time to the other players, and explained that I needed them to be my test subjects to see how the deck played out.

I drew my land tax in my opening hand, and locked down the board fairly quickly, and within a few turns, one player scooped, leaving it as a one-on-one match.

Things stayed on lock down and within a few more turns, I had beaten my remaining opponent into submission.

The second player was quite put out by the experience, and proceeded to pack up their things and leave the store to go home.

I felt bad that it was THAT unpleasant for them, but I can't account for the maturity of others. I hope they didn't decide to quit MTG entirely.

On the plus side, the deck seems to work.