
Commander / EDH Ender666666

SCORE: 909 | 591 COMMENTS | 141983 VIEWS | IN 355 FOLDERS

Add/Remove (Post-Testing Tune-Up and Comments) —Feb. 10, 2015

+1 Homeward Path
+1 Mana Web
+1 Pendrell Mists

-1 Council's Judgment
-1 Propaganda
-1 Stone Calendar

Opted for more overall control through Wana Web vs. a slight spell discount through Stone Calendar. Decided that an additional tax effect from Pendrell Mists made it a better fit than allowing critters to stick around, and only having a deterant from attacking through Propaganda. Finally, I decided that although really good, Council's Judgment was not 100% reliable, and that Homeward Path offered a unique answer that the deck lacked, to pesky problems like Zedruu the Greathearted, Hellkite Tyrant and other steal-your-stuff effects.

Mana Web has already proven itself to be a real winner in the deck, after only 2 games.

Killkow says... #3

Mindslaver. Good by itself because you can take your opponents turn, screw them over (By not paying their upkeep costs for instance), and if it's 1v1 you just go back to your turn when your done.

What makes it even more cruel, is that you already run Academy Ruins, letting you go infinite in 1v1 once you have the appropriate mana. But the glorious thing is you don't need to go infinite. You can just value them to death. Now that's attrition.

Anyway, that's what struck me initially. As far as what to take out, I honestly have no idea. You may know your weak cards better than I do, but if I had to pick 1 I'd say Blind Obedience? You run so many of that effect, and though it's your cheapest one, it's the only one that doesn't hit lands. Idk if you care about extort at all.

+1 FOR JUSTICE. Karmic Justice.

February 5, 2015 5:35 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #4

Killkow Thanks for the +1 and suggestions! I am of two minds concerning Mindslaver. My playgroup generally finds it to be in bad form, and there have been a few instances where it's use lead to resentment etc... Or that's my take on it at least.

That being said, it is a great way to have control, without the permissions of a counterspell... I will give it some thought.

On that note, does anyone have any thoughts of my last of Counter magic? On the one hand, I feel like it might be good to have, on the other, I fear that it would require too many slots to be effective and I fear it might water down the deck. Is it enough to have a ton of oppressive effects piled on top of each other, so that I don't need to play permission spells?

February 6, 2015 10:46 p.m.

Killkow says... #5

I understand completely. It's no fun to lose to infinite slaver and a 2 card combo. But then again, this isn't a deck for fun, OR fairness, is it? ;)

As far as counter magic goes, I think it would be a good idea to run a few just so your opponent's less likely to get there with an Akroma's Vengeance, Nevinyrral's Disk, or similar effect.

If they can mass wipe your stax, it's pretty rough for you at that point, Even with 8 board wipes.

February 7, 2015 10:41 a.m.

FeralKitten says... #6

Hey Ender666666, finally getting to comment on the deck. This looks like absolutely no fun to play against, I like it! I should say, I like builds like this for the challenge they present to play against, but I'm guessing not everyone views it that way.

Got to say, I'm with Killkow on the counter magic. You should always have a few cheap counters handy, just in case. Also, no Cursed Totem or Hushwing Gryff?

All I think of looking at this deck is it should be called "Team Oloro, World Police" :)

February 8, 2015 2:12 a.m.