Marisi, C-C-C-C-Coil Breaker

Commander / EDH Coward_Token


AkaAkuma says... #1

My dear Timmy-companion. As it appears we both admire the same man & his Reindeer General and became inspired to brew a deck around the same angry Cato. I can only say that you have a great taste!

I like what you did with the build and look forward to exchange stories about Mr. Coil Breaker over here.

September 2, 2019 5:45 p.m.

Dango says... #2

September 5, 2019 4:15 p.m.

Coward_Token says... #3

Pffttt ahaha sorry, I dismissed Thalia and forgot about the Sovereign because they're creatures without evasion... but they're obviously still able to deal combat damage, unlike the two Enchantments. Will have to think it over though since wrath resilience and lower CMC is still a thing.

September 5, 2019 4:25 p.m.

Gleeock says... #4

Cats off the Lawn! - more of a temporary use/haste focused deck. I like what you've done with yours though. Distinctly different, yet still viable. From what I've playtested, surprising workhorses have been Evolutionary Escalation , Oath of Druids , Earnest Fellowship , Wishmonger .. Earnest fellowship is hilarious, always funny to see opponents start to realize they really want to invest in removing this 2 CMC enchantment. I've found that a little evasion voltron subtheme is surprisingly good. The swords are strong in many EDH decks, but I've found they are above average strength in a Marisi deck.

September 7, 2019 9:27 a.m.

Coward_Token says... #5

the Oath is a bit too chaotic and anti-synergetic with token makers for my tastes, but the Fellowship provides an interesting mix of evasion & resilience that synergizes with token gifting. Neat!

September 7, 2019 9:37 a.m.

Gleeock says... #6

Oath of Druids is strange. It depends on how you are built. If you repeatedly gift a specific opponent with creatures, you basically opinionate a card that usually should be a parallel effect, which gets pretty bizarre. So if a specific player has bombs that you do not want to see you send them all your garbage gifts, then you and everyone else can opt-in on the search (using that player as fuel) & you fill the boards with creatures, making it really difficult for strict control decks to keep up. It is actually really good with token gifting but pretty poor if you plan on making your own token swarm as a central strategy. I was using this to great effect by having some low-to-the-ground evasive creatures & having a Jodah opponent free drop a bunch of titans with this spell (could easily backfire) but honestly, Ulamog had way more important targets than my low-end unblockables & this kept my opponents all busy throwing their removals at all these titans.

September 7, 2019 10:03 a.m.

Gleeock says... #7

How about Glory ? I keep finding gems slowly trickling in.

September 7, 2019 1:36 p.m.

Coward_Token says... #8

Eh, I'm not super keen on having to continuously pay mana for my evasion, and the deck doesn't have any quick ways of putting it in the graveyard

September 7, 2019 1:46 p.m.

Coward_Token says... #9

Think I'm going to have to pass on Earnest Fellowship . I might be getting sidetracked by the commander damage subtheme, but I dislike the conflict with colored buff sources like Goblin Motivator & Elspeth, Knight-Errant . However, I can easily see a purer token deck where those cards have been replaced.

September 10, 2019 2:46 p.m.

awalloftext says... #10

Solid list! Good ramp, and as about resilient as you could be in a Naya deck. If you really, really wanted more wrath protection there's Dauntless Escort, but that's probably overkill (and you'd have to cut a better hate bear-ish creature for it). Rootborn Defenses may be better though - and also tutorable with Sunforger. On the other hand, honestly, I wish I had another Heroic Intervention for Gahiji, but they're getting pretty pricey now...

I think you should absolutely find room for Soltari Visionary. Maybe also Soltari Champion - but definitely Visionary.

I'm not 100% sold on Sunny Elspeth - great card to be sure, but how often are you using that minus ability when it kills your commander? If you're just looking for more swarm in white, there's also God-Eternal Oketra, Geist-Honored Monk, Hero of Bladehold, Brimaz, King of Oreskos, or even Custodi Soulbinders!

I'm curious how Luminarch Ascension works out for you. I can "see" the ceiling for it - you lock everyone out with goads and are free to add counters, seems good. However, if you play it too early you become a huge target.

Sidar Kondo is some sick tech here.

Great list! Very well crafted.

September 14, 2019 3:57 p.m.

Coward_Token says... #11

Shucks, thanks.

I'm probably going to cut Ascension; the deck does have some ways of enabling it aside from Marisi (e.g. the tappers, Grenzo), and some lifegain to survive being the archenemy, but ultimately I lack the pillow fort to make it a reliable win con. Might just have it be replaced by the Visionary since it's reliable and provides some more removal, both things the deck should probably have more have.

I'm keeping Sunny Elspeth for now; while losing my commander isn't nice, it's one of two wipes I have and I like having something in backup. Making tokens is it's primary job anyway; like a lot of the other cards in the deck I value it for its versatility, even if it's not the best at any one thing.


September 14, 2019 4:31 p.m.

Gleeock says... #12

Well this wknds bulk playtest with Marisi showed some allstars. Gingerbrute was hilariously effective. Selvala's Stampede was unsurprisingly strong (just generically good). Sunforger of all things totally locked a game down in my favor. I wasn't seeing any need for mass-creature wipes to be honest, so I second not loving the Sunny Elspeth - the thing about this is that, in my meta, everyone else will be more desperate than me to get rid of all creatures, I prefer to use them as a resource: (I can just let my opponents do the sweeping for me & goad until someone is forced to wipe) the wipes that REALLY shined for me were the mass enchantment/artifact hate. I do LOVE your Elspeth, Knight-Errant suggestion, I now agree that it should windmill slap into my version of Marisi. Evasion + power & fast sweeper recovery or just an extra body are really nice to have on one walker. Actually will probably include Xenagos, the Reveler for some of those same reasons.

October 13, 2019 2:08 p.m.

Coward_Token says... #13

What's the appeal of Gingerbrute? Sure it's cheap and got haste but you have to pay to make it unblockable* everytime, and it doesn't do much otherwise. (If I really wanted a 1 CMC evasion creature I'd probably just go for Soltari Foot Soldier or something.)

For better or worse, I feel my deck is too bottom-heavy for Selvala's Stampede to be a haymaker at CMC 6.

I'm standing by sunny Elspeth for now since she herself can live trough most wraths and get to rebuilding with a token per opponent right away.

(Also I kinda have the urge to brew a superfriends Marisi deck now, we'll see if that goes anywhere)

October 13, 2019 2:51 p.m.

Gleeock says... #14

Gingerbrute is a 2 cmc max "goad target opponent's creatures" the turn you cast him when all you have is Marisi on the field & no one is targeting him because you look pathetic & he doesn't show the ability to swing through a bunch of beefy walls. Otherwise you can kick someone in the dick with a malevolent cookie (inconsequential, but funny). Shadow critters take that round to swing through unimpeded, there just aren't too many additional critters that do this so quickly & at such low cost. At the very least I've found that it can redirect my opponents to having to deal with each other more immediately, there aren't too many low CMC hasty unblockables available without a secondary buff... Tin Street Dodger . I don't blame you on Selvala's Stampede , there is a decent chance you hit a few dorks or another 1cmc creature, a couple of times, which certainly doesn't feel good @ 6cmc - it packs a wallop at my midrange... even my low cmc aggro creatures aren't the worst to have out. I do agree that token-producing walkers are really strong for this kind of deck, you ARE pushing opponents to cast creature sweeps after all, so it is a really good option to throw down that kind of insurance & let the opponents sweat out whether or not they should be casting the sweeps. I thought of the same thing with the swarmy-superfriends idea, it has that nice aspect of resilience that most swarm decks do not have. I did not make that deck because I made a Jund deck that does the same thing, but it would be neat in Marisi as well.

October 13, 2019 11:24 p.m.

Coward_Token says... #15

As a kind of compromise, I've added Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury to the maybeboard. She pulls triple duty (good sign here as a rule of thumb) by both swarming, ramping and removing, so I could see her replacing Sunny Elspeth even if I'm currently preferring her greater swarm capabilities (I know you already got Freyalise)

October 14, 2019 12:30 p.m.

Braingamer says... #16

Nacatl War-Pride is perfect in Maraisi decks. I've given my opponents like 6 elves with Sylvan Offering then attacked a different opponent with the extra 3/3's. It's busted. And Nacatl War-Pride is best friends with Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist

October 14, 2019 1:01 p.m.

Coward_Token says... #17

As cool as the War-Pride is, I feel it's too expensive and prone to murder creatures that could just be goaded for me to want to make room for it.

October 14, 2019 4:23 p.m.

Gleeock says... #18

I like the theory Coward... Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury is REALLY solid in there. Nacatl is cool as well, but I'm the same way, if we are making a fighty-forced combat deck that results in mass-deaths you kindof want more death-based triggers (maybe with some black mana) there are better options. Leaving little pissers on the board & forcing attacks seems to be a good way to go. Not to say that they aren't all good cards. I really was pinning games down with that enchantment removal, there is something so good about removing all those prison & pillow effects I finally relocated Aura Shards to Marisi for this.

October 14, 2019 9:10 p.m.

TheSimikBOat says... #19

Really I love that kind of strategies in EDH, and I liked the deck inmediatly when i saw it! +1!

  • I think that Hungry Lynx (appart of being adorable) is a very efficient card to give tokens to the opponents: It's very cheap and also pumps with +1/+1 counters himself and Marisi, that can be useful to avoid some removal like Mizzium Mortars , or simply to destroy our opponents face.

  • Seeing that you have Concordant Crossroads and Mass Hysteria in the maybeboard, I think that another card to considerate is Urabrask the Hidden , because it gives haste to your things, and also actues like Imposing Sovereign , the only problem that you can have with it is the cmc of 5.

  • Hero of Oxid Ridge can be an useful evasion card, because a great part of the tokens that you give to your opponents have power 1.

  • Also i think that good swarming cards can be Artifact Mutation and Aura Mutation , because them are good artifact/enchantment removal, and can give to you some tokens!

I hope that this helps the stutterer Marisi!

November 6, 2019 11:28 a.m.

Coward_Token says... #20

Thanks for the suggestions & upvote

  • I'll consider it for how cheap it is, but the tokens seem prone to both kill creatures when I'm trying to get in a goad hit and when opponents are attacking each other
  • Yeah, CMC 5 is way too much since that's after Marisi
  • I'll consider it since, as you alluded to, it covers a good 8 token gifting cards. I can see it shining in the right meta (Gahiji conflict is unfortunate though)
  • I feel like I'd have to include both to cover my bases, and the deck is already kinda tight on removal
November 6, 2019 12:39 p.m.

Coward_Token says... #21

last point revamp: they're neither too reliable as removal nor token generation so that plus having to include both so that's why I'll pass

November 6, 2019 12:42 p.m.

Gleeock says... #22

So what cards have consistently surprised or put you ahead so far in your games? Are you finding the need to use alot of those dorks?

November 6, 2019 11:31 p.m.

Coward_Token says... #23

Yeah, nah, my brewing-to-actually-playing ratio is hilariously disproportionate due to some personal reasons, so not a whole lot to say on those matters

November 7, 2019 12:05 p.m.

Gleeock says... #24

I'm looking forward to these Fiendish Duo

November 7, 2019 8:42 p.m.

Gleeock says... #25

I don't get out to play frequently, kindof more like my obligatory husband poker night 1-2x/month. But when I do get out I tend to play alot of unusual political decks for a LONG span of time. Last times all-stars were Bedlam , Xenagos, the Reveler - for his ability to put instant pressure on other planeswalkers after creature sweeps, Ohran Frostfang -averaging 3-4 cards per attack, Thieves' Auction - redistributed resources from 1 player gone overboard to everyone (without that boring reset), and Selvala's Stampede , because to a certain extent it worked like an extra turns card for me.

November 7, 2019 9:13 p.m.

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