Continuous Tilling

Commander / EDH* BMX482


March 10, 2015

Taking Out:

Terravore - because though it may seem he belongs, he sadly doesn't ever get too big because I'm recurring my land pretty frequently.

1x Forest because one less land actually won't do too much damage with how much ramp and thinning there is in the deck via land and effects

Loxodon Warhammer - because though it's a fantastic card, it really doesn't fit. Yes there is benefit in giving trample and lifelink to a creature, but it's just 1 creature, and it takes 6 mana which i'd rather be doing other things with or saccing land with. If i find that it was more helpful in the deck than out, then i will consider putting it back.

Primeval Bounty - It is a waste of 6 mana in this deck sadly. It's almost always destroyed the second it gets out (Plus it needs to last at least 1 turn to benefit more than likely just one of the benefits), and since most of my plays involve land and my commander, I don't benefit the most from it because I'm not casting many creatures.

Putting In:

Back to Nature - I only run few enchantments, and they are all expendable late game or are more than likely destroyed by now anyways (let's face it, who actually let's a doubling season or mana reflection last longer than 2 turns?) and it's a great board wipe that I suffer the least from.

Whirlwind - because it's pretty much the only actual "board wipe" that green has for creatures. Of course it's situational, but pretty much every edh deck has fliers and really annoying ones at that.

Concordant Crossroads - Swing with everything haste for the win. Sure it gives opponents hast as well, but you'd only want to play this for your victory anyway. It's especially helpful because green has very very little haste and it would usually just target a single creature when I'm trying to get multiple out at once.

Defense of the Heart - It was suggested to me and it's a fantastic card that I completely forgot about. There's pretty much no downside to it.

rainbowtornado says... #1

Love it!...Now where to get $771?

December 19, 2014 4:40 a.m.

BMX482 says... #2

It only cost me just under $200 lol but I'm proxying the really redonculous priced stuff

December 19, 2014 4:51 a.m.

teslamon says... #3

you could go Life and Limb with Sporemound and some kind of sac trigger like Ashnod's Altar for infinite "lands" to sac

December 26, 2014 2:41 a.m.

BMX482 says... #4

I like the idea and I'll try it out. If it works I'll keep it. I'll let ya know how it goes. Never thought of an army of saprolings

December 27, 2014 6:39 p.m.

ZombieCat says... #5

Concordant Crossroads for haste, only cast it when you can swing with your lands for a kill.

January 25, 2015 5:38 p.m.

BMX482 says... #6

I really like that a lot. I'm definitely finding a spot for it.

January 25, 2015 6:15 p.m.

ZombieCat says... #7

If you like squirrels and like sacrificing lands... maybe Squirrel Wrangler

January 27, 2015 10:25 a.m.