京 An illusion? What are you hiding? (cEDH-$T4KS) 京

Commander / EDH Kiyomei

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Hiten Mitsurugi-ry? (?????) —May 1, 2019

Updated and new Derevi Discord! : https://discord.gg/zf36QB8

For all your decklists, questions, discussions and new card releases!!!!

Will you discuss cards from the new set on here or on discord once they're all spoiled? I assume your analysis of the new Karn, the Great Creator was that it wasn't good for this deck?

April 10, 2019 1:38 p.m.

Kiyomei says... #2

@oliveoilonyaasscureshemorrhoid I have a little part in my Primer near the bottom that says "New releases? New Stax?" You'll find what I feel and think about cards from new sets there. Although I don't really specify all the time whether a card is a must have or it is just plain bad, But I do this because I keep budget and other kinds of play outside of CEDH in mind too as people and meta are different...

Yet we do strife for a zero redundant CEDH deck here so the analysis you can make or assume to be correct goes as follows;

  • Is it in the decklist at the moment?

  • Why is it not(mostly expressed in the new release section and sometimes on new releases new cards aren't added to tapped out yet)?

  • Will my own Meta actually suffer more if I side it in for something mister Kiyomei is running but has absolutely no use in my meta (For example Hushwing Gryff is a meta call for me because of kiki's, Animar's, Yisan's, ETB good stuff, and so much more...)?

  • does the card really compare to what we already are running and that is kind of similar to it but for example cheaper or easier to cast? (Goes for Dorks or other things too)

  • Can it come down early in a game and stop a deck for a turn or 2?

  • Is it a dead card draw during the later stages of the game?

  • Can it actually block certain combo's by itself in some scenarios?

  • ETC,ETC,ETC,...

And you're always welcome to join the Discord! (If you scroll up you might find a discussion of certain new releases or you can always just ask away, plenty of Derevi pilots that can help and have experience!)

April 10, 2019 3:13 p.m.

Ryanh12 says... #3

what are your win cons?

April 11, 2019 8:02 p.m.

Kiyomei says... #4

@Ryanh12 Hey, Simply said our win con is that of a hard lock... For example, Winter Orb + Trinisphere + Derevi, Empyrial Tactician and some simple mana dorks to attack with or other Stax creatures to go face with...

Generally, it is also known Derevi's win condition is not losing the game... and as soon as 1 person wins you lost as the second or third place don't matter...

This is only a very small example of different kinds of interaction or synergy each card has with each other in the deck and is very relevant and strong versus "true" CEDH combo decks... And for every CEDH deck, there is a card in here that could stop them from using their combo (This does not mean that the game is over for them as they can still remove pieces, but generally we keep adding until it becomes impossible to come back from hence a "hard lock Stax victory").

I advise you to go through the very primer I wrote if you wish to learn the details of the one and only not copied Derevi CEDH Stax list ;) (with an added sideboard to combat meta!)

(There is a section at the bottom where other people reply to a question I posted on every "True CEDH" deck as to what would stop them... And most of the kind authors of the relevant CEDH decks have answered to that question which I already knew the answer for but just so people can see it for themselves :) !!!)

April 12, 2019 1:28 a.m.