京 An illusion? What are you hiding? (cEDH-$T4KS) 京

Commander / EDH Kiyomei

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Back to Back R1 Gladiator... —Nov. 24, 2018

As of today, I got my hands on some more foreign cards to trigger some folks HOORAYY *(crowd starts cheering and clapping!)!!!

I have also decided to opt out of Tezzeret the Seeker (Pun intended)... purely because of some problems I have been facing with this card lately... Sometimes he can prove to be overly explosive of a good start and even find you up to two artifacts if left unchecked... But I seem to draw into him after I had set up a lot of non-creature hate since at 5-mana cards tend to be borderline expensive and to a degree uncastable, also he seemed to only come out when I was already winning 70% of the time...

Taking his place, for now, is Archon of Valor's Reach... I've explained this card a little in the new releases of BattleBond a while ago so check out there why I considered this dude as a valid test addition to this deck (Chains Yisan to 6 for overkill as well)...

(I have many Sideboard cards able to replace Tezzi or any other card your meta doesn't require in the Sideboard Section... There are so many options and you can stack multiple hate effects if you desire... )

ChubyCryBaby says... #1

Updooted for the reference.

October 9, 2018 5:51 p.m.

Kaleo42 says... #2

It makes me so happy to see another Deveri deck that has had so much effort and dedication put into it. I am also pleased to see the true stax version. I personally have always leaned tempo over stax with Derevi but my other top deck is Marath Hatebears. Mostly commenting because I want to remember this list and keep up on updates but I will also share my Deveri in case you are interested.

Tactical Beauty

Commander / EDH Kaleo42


October 10, 2018 7:59 p.m.

Skillville says... #3

I was into this deck until I didn't see Energy Flux. Stax deck is incomplete.

October 10, 2018 10:46 p.m.

Thoughts on your inclusion of containment priest? It turns off your own derevi's ability; is it worth playing still?

October 10, 2018 11:19 p.m.

Kiyomei says... #5

@Kaleo42, Thank you!! will check yours out! always on the lookout for sideboard hate I perhaps didn't know about yet or just another way of abusing the best bird girl :).

@Skillville, We run more than enough artifact hate and if we would opt for more I have sideboard cards for that in the description... Energy Flux is just the poor man's Kataki, War's Wage. but you could combine both if your meta is purely artifact heavy.

@ToolmasterOfBrainerd, So Containment Priest has a niche role to counter some combo's in my meta that revolve around cheating stuff in play which effectively stops ETB's (Be it Recursion, Flash or other effects). Yes it stops Derevi's ability but the priest is mainly never slammed down for no reason and either kept for its flash play vs some combo decks or grave recursion (Was working on it in the description don't think I added it yet). But if this doesn't apply to your meta, for example, it can be a flexible cut.

October 11, 2018 2:03 a.m.

Dankey says... #6

Is Arcane Denial worth playing over Negate? Consider how both it and Edric, Spymaster of Trest have synergy with Consecrated Sphinx.

November 6, 2018 11:50 p.m. Edited.

Kiyomei says... #7

@Dankey so if you're looking for counterspells to add to Derevi I mean both are good counters! just depends what your meta is like I suppose.. even though I find Arcane Denial more valuable in the long run regardless of synergy as it loots you a card as well and even though your opponent gets more they might not be able to play them in certain "Stax" conditions...

(I also really like Spell Pierce and the likes of these as under orb and sphere effects like Winter Orb + Sphere of Resistance it's a heavy cost that puts them even further behind.)

November 7, 2018 3:52 a.m.