京 An illusion? What are you hiding? (cEDH-$T4KS) 京

Commander / EDH Kiyomei

SCORE: 286 | 178 COMMENTS | 50600 VIEWS | IN 114 FOLDERS

Dominaria Stax —March 11, 2018

card: Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle: This Bird cleric might be really viable with all the legendary cards we run and artifacts (@+-lowCMC)... paired with sissay it can return lost pieces of the puzzle very fast and easy... While it is most likely also worthy to mention you can do combo stuff with this card and win...

card: Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive: Can turn all your dorks into free Derevi triggers... including itself... Interesting card.

card: Naban, Dean of Iteration: Wizardballl version might be very pleased with this.

card: Damping Sphere: I will most likely use it a lot! godlike!

BiGYrri says... #1


Een +1 heb ik al gedaan :)

Allereerst complimenten voor het deck!

Is dit een leuk deck en een goed deck om te spelen in een competitive omgeving? Ik ben net een Derevi deck aan het bouwen en wil Niet een one-trick-pony deck, maar echt waar je over moet nadenken maar wel consistent is.

Kun je hier iets over vertellen?

Dank alvast :)

March 5, 2018 11:40 a.m.

Kiyomei says... #2

yo, thanks for the upvote :-)

  • First of all, it depends what you consider "fun"... If other players aren't allowed to do anything, for example when they Can't combo, use artifacts or look for pieces and plays and you can handle playing under a lot of pressure as you will be the #1 target 95% of the time then I'd suggest "Stax"derevi as it is a very rewarding commander if you keep your plays tight and don't make blatant errors... It easily deals with any meta/tier deck as stax often has a lot of cards to it's dissposal and you can opt to side in for more gravehate for example if your meta requires it. (or any other hate)

(Note- this is a "multiplayer free for all" or "2HeadedGiant" based deck and has shown enough power for multiple rank 1 placements in different meta, even with the rng in F4A)

  • Stax Derevi really shines when your opponents are on a somewhat more competitive playstyle/deck as it punishes really hard and fast. Lower rated commanders and jank often oppose no challenge whatsoever.

  • When for example you explode early with a turn one trinisphere you are setting up for an early victory as this deck is made to be able to run under any hate and eventually bleed out your opponents slowly but steadily... or a turn 2 Derevi + orb or sphere effect (orbs only go live and have an impact turn 3 anyway but having one early does set up easy wins...)

  • There are other ways to play her though for example "Food-chain" (Combo), "Wizardball" (tap-exploit), "Paradox" (combo) and so many other ways you can exploit her uncounterable factor, flash, etb, and dmg triggers...

(Side-note if you complain about begin focused or can't win under pressure you can't and should not play Stax no matter how fun it seems...)

March 5, 2018 2:04 p.m.