G/W Mid in Standard

Current Standard


10 December 2013


Alright soo...I decided to use a little of my free time to do some testing on cockatrice tonight. Things were going well! Did pretty well against some red devotion decks and other aggro things including gruul and golgari and more. But then out of nowhere I play against this guy who, after a few games, suggests I take a minute to look at his G/W deck for some possible improvements I could have. I was intrigued. And so I did. The deck was very interesting and focused on 3 toughness and no less. After hearing this guy (Shibyness was his name on cockatrice) mention how well he's been doing with the build we decided to have an old-fashioned mirror-match.

And guys...I was owned...

A couple things stood out to me. I don't run removal that deals damage, but the fairly high level of toughness on his creatures meant that I simply could not be aggro enough. I just couldn't! But that's okay, right? I'm a midrange deck, not an aggro deck. What's the big deal? I'll tell you the big deal: Rootborn Defenses. My lord. I couldn't break through! Every time I finally got my fatties out to break through his wall, a Rootborn Defenses was there ready to blow me out! I honestly don't think that there was any way for mine deck to best his unless mana screw was involved...

And so, with my mouth full of humble pie, I decided to accept defeat. But what about OTHER matchups? What about the powerhouses? Well, I asked him. And basically I got what I expected: Esper is difficult, but manageable assuming you have Rootborn Defenses to break past a wrath. MRD is not a problem with the size of the creatures, bit of lifegain, and bits of removal. Supposedly, MBD is not much of a threat either, as there is rootborn plus Gods Willing sided in to handle removal. MUD I don't remember asking about, but it's the same basic principle from what I can tell. It actually seems fairly solid!

I wish I had a link to the deck to give you all, but sadly he, nor the creator of the deck (his friend Alvaro), had it available to give. But I want to give credit where credit is due so that is why I am writing this mid-week mini article. I stand by my decision to not copy someone else's deck no matter how much I enjoy it, but I have no choice but to take a good bit of his advice and some pointers I obtained through playtesting with him. I will now explain these.

The cards I removed were as follows:

The first thing I learned was that ramp in this deck just isn't necessary. Why? Well because of a fact that I've been preaching ad nauseum: G/W is home to some of the most undercosted creatures in the entire standard format. Yes, I can have a turn 3 5/5 trampler at instant speed, but even having a turn 4 trampler at instant speed would suffice, right? And if that Sylvan Caryatid I had played to ramp into that card had simply been a Call of the Conclave or Fleecemane Lion I'd have a much better board position in the end.

"But what about aggro? Don't you want to make sure you can get your fatties out fast enough to, like...not die?"

Not necessary. a turn 2 3/3 stops a lot of aggro dead in its tracks unless they happen to be carrying a Lightning Strike or something similar. And just as before rotation, cards like Centaur Healer provide that fringe amount of lifegain that allows you to not just be killed outright by the curved-into Fanatic of Mogis. One of the differences I have between him and I is that I will still carry a playset of Last Breath in the side. I think that sometimes you really need to get your opponent's creatures off the field when facing devotion.

Scion of Vitu-Ghazi is still one of my favorite cards out there. And I don't think it's bad right now. But was kind of shown that it is simply not necessary. I brought it into the deck for the same reason as Experiment One -- to beat esper. To deal with Supreme Verdict (or to at least have a big threat after one). You know what helps against wraths? Rootborn Defenses. Because, like....the card is awesome. I originally took it out because back when I was playing an aggro deck I felt it was wasteful to stop my aggression just to hold back mana for it. But I'm not aggro now. I'm more midrange. And as I was shown, it is oh so easy to keep up your mana for it while being aggressive. Far / Away doesn't see nearly as much play anymore, so the scion becomes that much worse for that reason, too. As I was told "you only need a couple 3/3s to put pressure on esper."

Now, I was told that Voice of Resurgence isn't necessary either. I don't know that I can agree with that. I will agree that post-rotation it took a bit of a hit since not as many decks are hosed by it. But on the other hand, It's still an amazing card. It's only a 2/2, but I think of it more like a chump block or even a trade that leaves me with a bigger creature in most cases. And because of that threat, the opponent usually will just let the damage through if I'm attacking. Add to that the fact that it allows me to force the opponent to play at sorcery-speed when applicable and I think it's still worthy. In addition, the elemental token that is created can be easily populated with Rootborn Defenses. Have I mentioned that card enough, yet?

The opposing deck also contained Scavenging Ooze. I'm not a big fan of the ooze right now. I think it's a good card -- don't get me wrong. But grave manipulation has fallen out. He mentioned the lifegain being necessary sometimes against aggro, but I think I'd need to see it firsthand to believe it (Not that I don't respect your advice, Shibyness).

Witchstalker was another part of his deck. I like Witchstalker. I think so many tried to make it a bant hexproof guy that they missed the fact that he is just a good creature on his own! However, I'm not sure if I want him yet or not. He's probably the one creature I'm still on the fence with right now. Hexproof is amazing, but I'd have to do some testing to see how necessary it is, as I doubt my opponent will just allow him to get bigger. Devour Flesh and Celestial Flare can both easily get rid of him, too.

One last thing his deck had that I have yet to add in is Ajani, Caller of the Pride. I get that this guy is good, but I'm not sure how necessary he is. I would also hate to be ousted by Pithing Needle. If I find my own Polukranos, World Eater to be not needed, I might think of adding him in.

Speaking of which, he didn't run the hydra. I will continue running the hydra. His monstrous ability becomes much less relevant without the ramp I once had, so I've gone down to two copies. I'll need more testing to know whether or now he is in or out.

Lastly, I mentioned to him the times when the opponent has Ratchet Bomb. His response was an unsurprising "Yeah, that's a bad one." But as we spoke about, Rootborn Defenses handles that too. The indestructible comes through to save the day again!

So, here's the final build right now:





There may still be minor changes to come as I'm now going to need to get used to the build again, but I think with the combined strengths and knowledge the two of us had we now have ourselves a real threatening G/W build. I'm one of those people who wishes they could do it all themselves but sometimes you just have to stop and listen and absorb. And I feel like this is one of those experiences here. I hope you all enjoyed this strange update article of mine! Again, shoutouts to both Shibyness and his friend Alvaro for the kick-ass deck ideas. And I hope you're all ready for the next episode of Showdown...

Because this time...I mean business.

free counters
The next article in this series is A Letter to the Magic Community

-Fulcrum says... #1

Now that you're looking more into the protection and indestrucitble package, I wonder if we'll see a return of Archangel of Thune ?

December 10, 2013 4:24 a.m.

BeatAll says... #2

You play on cockatrice, spooty? :O

We should play some time, I finally figured out how to make it work xD

December 10, 2013 5:27 a.m.

RussischerZar says... #3

Rootborn Defenses is such an underrated card, especially in decks where you actually have tokens.

Depending on your timezone I'd also be available to do playtests and stuff :)

Name on cockatrice same as here, although I'm usually more online on the weekends.

December 10, 2013 6:16 a.m.

Matsi883 says... #4

Oh. I'm also on Cockatrice as Matsi883. I'm also in EST, if you are too, we could playtest.


Rootborn Defenses is such an undervalued card in that deck. It takes the spot of Scion of Vitu-Ghazi perfectly.

What do you think about Plummet in the side? That's another undervalued card.

December 10, 2013 6:54 a.m.

sewellius says... #5

I'm surprised you're only running 2x Rootborn Defenses mainboard based on the rave review you just gave. You've convinced me that it is a very useful tool, though.

I can see the synergy with Rootborn Defenses and all your token generators. If you don't get an elemental, you would at least frequently get a 3/3 or 5/5 trampler. I assume from the wording that your new token would also be indestructible along with everythign else.

With all that synergy, I can imagine that Polukranos, World Eater might seem to shine less in comparison.

I hope we get to see you playtest it soon!

December 10, 2013 10:57 a.m.

actiontech says... #6

I prefer Ready / Willing in my selesyna deck over Rootborn Defenses because I don't run much in the way of tokens, and the surprise untap can be very helpful if your opponent thinks you're open for an attack. If you're token-centric (which you appear to be) rootborn makes more sense though. Just making the other readers aware of a potentially better option depending on their build :-)

December 10, 2013 12:21 p.m.

Kage-no-Raito says... #7

I have been going back and forth between using either Gods Willing and Rootborn Defenses in my deck. Personally I like Rootborn better but Gods Willing has scry and covers exiles though only a single creature. I see that you are running both. Which would you recommend for an deck like mine?

December 10, 2013 12:49 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #8

Nice article

December 10, 2013 1:20 p.m.

I like it! But doesn't it look more like selesnya aggro instead of selesnya midrange?

December 10, 2013 1:22 p.m.

abenz419 says... #10

I just thought I'd point out that in your final deck list, in the land, you have Selesnya Charm . I'm assuming it's a guildgate since there are no temples but just thought I'd give ya a heads up about it. Also, a friend of mine runs a selesnya deck and he has Ajani in there, and I can tell you from experience that Ajani can be absolutely devastating. If you do his -3 on a wurm the turn you play him then it's almost always an easy 10 damage in one swing. Unless they're holding onto a removal spell there is nothing they can do to stop it. Maybe chump block with a flier but the trample still gets through so it's almost always going to hit.

December 10, 2013 3:40 p.m.

notamardybum says... #11

I'd still be willing to say Experiment One wouldn't be terrible in here. It's a nice 1 drop that can evolve fairly quickly in this deck, easily getting to 3/3 by turn 3. And although Scavenging Ooze is an amazing card, you've got plenty of 2 drops so thats ok. The ooze belongs in more of a build with a lot of kill spells like in jund/junk/golgari

December 10, 2013 4:45 p.m.

Matsi883 says... #12

In the lands, Selesnya Charm is supposed to be Selesnya Guildgate , right??

December 10, 2013 7:13 p.m.

Spootyone says... #13

Selesnya Charm has been edited to Selesnya Guildgate . Thanks for the heads up!

thePESSIMIST: Unfortunately, I still think Archangel of Thune comes out too late for it to be in the deck. If I were running orzhov or Junk or something with more access to removal, I could probably afford to run her as one of my bombs, but sadly that is not the case :(

To all those who mentioned testing with me on Cockatrice, I'm totally down. My username is Spootyone just as it is on here. It'd be cool if we could somehow get a small group together that can test with each other on there. Especially since I have a tendency to dislike playing against a ton of randoms.

Matsi883: I agree. Now, when I've faced both of my versions of the deck against each other I find Scion of Vitu-Ghazi to be a complete game changer (If there's an elemental token on the field), but unless I remove a lot more stuff I definitely think He'll stay out.And I saw you mention on my deck about the whole Plummet thing, but I'll still give my two cents in saying that the card is awesome. It hits Desecration Demon , Nightveil Specter , Chandra's Phoenix , Stormbreath Dragon , Cloudfin Raptor , and the rest of MUD's one drop fliers. I love getting to board it in.

sewellius: Funny you mention that because I actually did already remove Polukranos, World Eater haha. I found them to ultimately be unneeded. And for right now Ajani, Caller of the Pride seems to be a much more suitable choice as a two-of. I may also add in a third copy of Rootborn Defenses main board, but I'll need to do some testing first to see how much I'd need that.

actiontech: I actually really like Ready / Willing but I agree that the populate of Rootborn Defenses is part of what makes it shine in my deck.

Tainted_Light: Why choose? Find room to run both! And then if you find that you just need one of them you can make changes afterwards! :D

Apoptosis: Thanks man!

pingpongball120: I'll be honest with you -- there isn't too much of a difference in standard right now. Without a ton of control aspects in G/W and/or without big, valuable creatures that can restabilize like Thragtusk , one is forced to play towards more aggro. That said, I think the fact I don't run one-drops or Boon Satyr , etc shows that this is meant for mid game play and not blitz-type play.

abenz419: Agreed. After adding in Ajani, I can say he's phenominal. You have to play him correctly, but when you do he gives victories out of nowhere. And I think Pithing Needle need not be as feared as I felt it was. Especially since I don't NEED Ajani to win.

notamardybum: When facing the opposing deck I tried using Experiment One to race him..and it just didn't work. I think in aggro, where you can evolve with Dryad Militant and such, the quicker pace means a lot, but in here its just going for something that I'm not trying to go for. If I win by turn 5, Awesome! But winning by turn 6-7 is the real goal. And as long as I can still beat esper I'll definitely stay as such.

December 10, 2013 9:27 p.m.

-Fulcrum says... #14

@Spootyone: The idea of a group of us on Cockatrice playtesting seems pretty cool, my username on there is thePESSIMIST just like here.

December 10, 2013 9:36 p.m.

Spootyone says... #15

Well, I'm on from time to time. I think for now I'll be on there whenever I can be though since I really want to test out this newer build. If anyone is ever on and sees me and wants to do some testing don't hesitate to send me a message letting me know!

December 10, 2013 10:08 p.m.

You guys all Cockatrice on Wooger?

December 11, 2013 1:18 a.m.

Agog says... #17

I'm surprised not to see Brave the Elements . Looks like every single creature you have is white (now that Polukranos is substituted out)

December 11, 2013 1:52 a.m.

Spootyone says... #18

deathtouch_roadrunner: Yessir!

Agog: Actually, that's a very valid point. Brave slipped my mind, to be honest. I really like scry....but I think I'll try out Brave the Elements in its place. Or maybe go with 2 brave and 1 Gods Willing ....meh, 3 Brave sounds better.

December 11, 2013 2 a.m.

Spootyone says... #19

Actually, wait I change my mind. The wurm and centaur tokens are strictly green, and they are some of my most superfluous creatures during matches. I'll stay with the Gods Willing .

December 11, 2013 2:09 a.m.

Agog says... #20

Oops, you're right, they are green. My bad.

December 11, 2013 1:35 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #21

someone remind me, can Golgari Charm regenerate tokens? I can't remember.

December 11, 2013 2:18 p.m.

Kage-no-Raito says... #22

I believe so... tokens are considered creature permanents

December 11, 2013 2:24 p.m.

notamardybum says... #23

Apoptosis yes. The tokens never go anywhere. They never hit the graveyard

December 11, 2013 3:51 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #24

Thank you my friends, with that in mind, I suggest every G/W build include 4x Overgrown Tomb , 4x Godless Shrine and 4x Golgari Charm .... And with that all problems are cured. Put your spot removal in the sideboard, think about Deathrite Shaman , Abrupt Decay , or any card that you're on the fence about and know that your problems are solved. So endeth the lesson.

December 11, 2013 6:17 p.m.

Smaug1007 says... #25

Armada Wurm?

December 14, 2013 11:52 a.m.

Spootyone says... #26

Armada Wurm is one of my all-time favorite cards. And I've been trying to play with him for a while now (I played bant last standard and he saw play in that). However, this meta is unfortunately just too fast and powerful for a 6-drop that doesn't at least have reach or flying. And without ramp as is my current case, it just can't happen.

December 14, 2013 3:27 p.m.

omnipotato says... #27

I can't believe no one's mentioned MUD yet. That deck is the single reason GW isn't one of the more powerful decks in standard right now. I'd run 4 Mistcutter Hydra s and 4 Skylasher s between your sideboard and mainboard just for that matchup.

December 15, 2013 12:43 a.m.

omnipotato says... #28

Apoptosis, if you're going GWB you have to include Blood Baron of Vizkopa . That guy is a monster against mono-black and Boros aggro

December 15, 2013 12:52 a.m.

Spootyone says... #29

I don't think 4x both of those is absolutely necessary. I do have 3 Skylasher in the sideboard right now but I also MB 3 Last Breath . Also, Unflinching Courage can be very helpful in the matchup, especially if placed on a Witchstalker since it pretty much requires that they overload a Cyclonic Rift to do anything -- something near impossible for them without Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx . And Selesnya Charm does a really good job of dealing with Thassa, God of the Sea .

I think the biggest problem in the matchup is actually Bident of Thassa since it makes their pinging one-drop fliers become card draw engines. And this usually gives enough for them to win in a longer game if they're able to resolve and keep alive a Master of Waves .

Again, this is just how I feel about it, but I'm pretty sure 4-ofs of both those guys just isn't necessary.

December 15, 2013 2:52 a.m.

Apoptosis says... #30

Interesting discussions and well timed. Does anyone run Boros Elite and Frontline Medic mainboard in G/W (also with 4x Favored Hoplite )? I just started some deck building last night and threw together a MUD, a mono green ramp stompy deck, and a G/W aggro/midrange with Boros Elite and Frontline Medic . The stompy deck couldn't beat MUD because of Tidebinder Mage but the G/W aggro just took apart MUD 3-0. Frontline Medic single handedly won one of those games by just allowing Boros Elite . the medic, and Fleecemane Lion to continually stomp face.

December 15, 2013 7:49 a.m.

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