

All-in Jeskai Combo deck featuring Saheeli Rai.

This deck looks to win the game through infinite combos resulting in either decking the opponent out with Altar of the Brood; or creating an absurd amount of Haste Felidar Guardian tokens. This deck is capable of wins on Turn 3 and will usually go off by turn 5 realistically. Jeskai colors enable for lots of draw and protection for combo assembly as well as provide meaningful responses for an opponents game plane to survive long enough to win the game.

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Tonight I placed 3rd out of 10 players at FNM..... I replaced Spell Pierce with Force of Negation in the sideboard (It never came up). I have been attending my LGS for the passed few weeks and have been placing last/tied for last or bottom half with some of my beloved homebrews; but this time I wanted to take the gloves off and bring my "most competitive" deck to see how It would fair.

Lost Game 1 Vs Ponza: (0-2)

This was a nightmare... game one an early Karn, the Great Creator came down and I scooped looking to change my wincon to Felidar Guardian.... game 2 I kept a 2 lander (A fetchland and a shockland not quite realizing/understanding i was facing Ponza)... Utopia Sprawl shenanigans into an early Blood Moon and I conceded rather than giving the satisfaction of watching me squirm lol..... yikes... i was feeling really bad after this one; especially because this was supposed to be by "competitive" deck.

Won Game 2 Vs Bogles (2-0)

Basically for both games i was just able to combo off before the Gladecover Scout/Slippery Bogle was able to do me in... I was lucky and opened both Rip Aparts for game 2 which made Daybreak Coronet into a brick and it was G.G.s

Won Game 3 Vs Goblins (2-0)

I recognized this player and as soon as i saw the Mountain and the first Goblin I knew what I was up against and was holding onto my Lightning Bolts for the combo enabling goblins.... I drew swiftly into my own Mill combo winning game one and opted for some trickery for game 2 expecting a lot more artifact hate/removal in a mostly Goblin deck; so i took out my sorcery speed removal and but in additional Felidar Guardians. They made for life saving blockers and on the follow up Saheeli Rai was able to make all of the Cats for the win.

I did not face the Crashing Footfalls/Living End players and Affinity was nowhere to be found this evening...Besides the Ponza player those two decks seem to be the decks to beat at this LGS.

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100% Competitive

Revision 5 See all

(10 months ago)

-1 Mountain main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #6 position overall 2 years ago
  • Achieved #5 position in Modern 2 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern FNM 2 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern Infinite Combo 2 years ago
Date added 2 years
Last updated 10 months
Exclude colors BG
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

19 - 7 Rares

25 - 5 Uncommons

8 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.90
Tokens Construct 0/0 C, Copy Clone
Folders Modern Decks, Modern stuff maybe?, MODERN KOOL KIDS, Interest, Modern, Cool Decks I Wish I Could Try, Artifuck, Modern's that look cool
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