R/G Monsters Post Rotation?

Standard forum

Posted on Aug. 25, 2014, 9:50 p.m. by Prehstun

As a Gruul lover, seeing Domri Rade and Scavenging Ooze rotate brings tears to my eyes, I know we won't truly know anything untill Khans, but what do you guys think about R/G Monsters post rotation. Terra Stomper is back, as well as the new Nissa and with things like Polish Crusher which I think is highly underated and both Xenagos and Xenagod + Stombreath and Pol-K staying around, I believe a really strong deck could come from it, I dunno yet. What are you guys thinking about Gruul post rotation.

Vieno says... #2

Considering Temur (R/U/G) is going to be one of the wedges in khans, and that they use fatties, it's pretty fair to assume that gruul is going to be just fine in the future.

August 25, 2014 10:13 p.m.

Play what you can while you still have it, and worry about what you're going to play in September after spoiler season. Why spend your effort worrying when you'll know everything in 3 weeks or so?

August 25, 2014 10:58 p.m.

Prehstun says... #4

Well, I stopped playing Magic for a bit after JOU, and sold my G/R Monsters deck, so the thing Is I don't own the deck, I just wanted others input about what they're thinking after rotation. Thought I know none of us know for sure

August 25, 2014 11:06 p.m.

Oww99 says... #5

I have persinally raised the same question to the viewers of one of my decks, and though I've cut everything not from Theros+ I've still got a decent monsters deck. Even with Khan's focus on wedges Gruul will NEVER be snuffed out. Red burn + Green ramp and fatties = GG. I'm not gonna post it and have you take a look, but if your curious find it in my decks. I believe if you look at it you'll see one way or another monsters will live on. All Khan's can do is help us.

August 26, 2014 12:21 a.m.

I think it's fair to say that GR Monsters is set up pretty well for rotation. The core of the deck is intact, including Elvish Mystic , Sylvan Caryatid , Courser of Kruphix , Polukranos, World Eater , Xenagos, The Reveler , and Stormbreath Dragon .

I can almost guarantee that it will be FNM playable come rotation. Whether it's tier 1 and winning GP's is another matter entirely, and will be defined by the power level and removal / threats in the format.

August 26, 2014 1:43 a.m.

Ultimaodin says... #7

Honestly, as far as the archetypes go, R/G monsters looks to be the only one that will truly stick. Mono green devotion could be good, have to wait and see. MUD, MBD, RDW and U/W control loose a lot with rotation. Alas until rotation nobody knows what will continue strong etc...

Again though, I've been running Temur for a while now so swapping out Domri etc for blue form card advantage will not affect me. Plus, I love playing Prophet of Kruphix with monsters.

August 27, 2014 12:55 p.m.

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