Thoughts and opinions on standard Elves.

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on July 13, 2018, 3:13 a.m. by Sonic_Lionheart

Hello all, working on Elves in standard and eventually explaining why to splash in colors other than the Golgari I chose. Let me know what you all think and if you like it give it a +1. Thank you~.

Standard Elves

Standard Sonic_Lionheart

SCORE: 1 | 149 VIEWS

multimedia says... #2

Hey, I'm playing Elvish Clancaller tribal Gruul Elves in Standard. Elves of Dominaria (M19) is my deck here at TappedOut.

I play Gruul because of Grand Warlord Radha. She's an Elf who gets pumped by Clancaller and her mana abilities fit right into a mana strategy of Elves. She's also a fantastic pairing with Steel Leaf Champion and Thorn Lieutenant. A strong curve of one, two, three drops and Radha is what my deck plays.

Post rotation Golgari or Jund, if a playable manabase can be made, will most likely be the directions I go because Golgari is a guild in Guilds of Ravnica. It's already been revealed that Elves are big part of the Golgari guild with Warrior and Shaman Elves in the set.

My current Golgari version of Elves: M19 Golgari Elves is using Poison-Tip Archer with sac outlets and Vraska, Relic Seeker. I also have a Simic version: M19 Simic Elves using Skyrider Patrol with Exclusion Mage and Hadana's Climb  Flip.

July 13, 2018 4:19 a.m.

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