Taking a Look Back

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Posted on Sept. 12, 2014, 10:50 a.m. by OP_Magikarp

As we continue on to yet another new set, I just like looking back to where it all began. Anyone want to share their stories about their first experience with Magic or their first FNM?

For me, I remember I cam up with a deck for FNM literally in 2 hours, had to borrow most of my cards since I only started playing a a week earlier. PLayed a deck with a mechanic almost exactly identical to


Modern OPxMagikarp


and got absolutely destroyed (1-3 lol). But it was a blast scrambling around with my friends and putting stuff together on the fly. Any other stories?

mathimus55 says... #2

I took a r/w heroic to my first fnm(I took several years off and picked back up in Theros)) and realized that Fabled Hero and Madcap Skills was the shit. Went 4-0 and lost in the final round to a rev deck go figure. It's still my favorite rogue deck to take to a game night.

September 12, 2014 10:56 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #3

Went 0-4 with a crappy infect deck during New Phyrexia at a LGS that was over-prepared for infect because they "hated it so much".

Doesn't matter, had fun.

September 12, 2014 11:04 a.m.

JakeHarlow says... #4

I brought a 70-card Dimir deck to one of the most competitive venues in NYC and went 2-4 despite the fact that I was a complete and utter scrub at the game...

Things got better once I began to observe the 60-card rule.

September 12, 2014 12:11 p.m.

Pilz_753 says... #5

I played at my first fnm shortly after M14 came out. I played a Junk token deck based on the Dragon's Maze event deck splashing black for Lingering Souls and a Sorin, Lord of Innistrad I had lying around at home. I got completely crushed mainly because I had 73 cards or something like that in my deck. Also my mana was horrible with things like Guildgates and Evolving Wilds as the only fixing in a three colour aggro deck. I went 0-3-1 because sombody played a mono black control deck with a two- of Bloodgift Demon as only wincon so he wasn't able to kill me in time in game three after he lost game two due to losing to much life to Underworld Connections and Sign in Blood .

September 12, 2014 12:24 p.m.

MangoPunch says... #6

In the mid 90s my parents bought a lot from a teenager who needed money for teenager stuff. My brother and I (who were probably around 9 or 10) split the cards: I took the UG, he took RB and we split the whites, golds and lands. He ran RDWs with Lightning Bolt and Shivan Dragon topping out the curve (not that we knew what a curve was) and ultimately some Ball Lightning s. I am not sure what my first deck was, but it evolved into a blue control build with sets of Counterspell , Control Magic and my favorite Mahamoti Djinn . Those matches were epic.

September 12, 2014 12:30 p.m.

8vomit says... #7

My first sanctioned FNM was during ISD/RTR. My friend (who also introduced me to tappedout) brought me out to the game store. I brought a jund hyper agro deck in and came in 3rd out of like 8 I think, so I didn't do awful I suppose. It was really fun though. Ive come a long way and learned a whole lot more about the game since then.

But before that id been to casual FNM nights many times, they don't count though.

September 12, 2014 1:46 p.m.

nighthawk101 says... #8

I remember playing my crappy Gruul aggro deck with a Ruric Thar, the Unbowed ... and 4x Ruination Wurm . After I lost all of my matches, a couple of the regulars took me aside and showed me how to improve my deck.

September 13, 2014 9:27 p.m.

Dalektable says... #9

I played at my first FNM with a W/R Angels deck during New Phyrexia/Innistrad standard featuring Gisela, Blade of Goldnight . It sucked and I dropped after going 0-3, lol. I had come from being the best player among my gaming club at school beyond our teacher, and then was demolished haha. It took me another six months to try to go competitive again, at which point I did fairly well all things considered with Red Deck Wins. Since then I've come a long way, I'm looking to one day go actually competitive and grind out some Grand Prix's and PTQ's until I top 8 one. That's the dream, man :D

September 14, 2014 2:29 p.m.

A dimir combo deck in standard that used Mortus Strider as sac fodder XD The deck was bad but fun.

September 14, 2014 6 p.m.

xcn says... #11

My first events were Theros pre-release, launch day draft, and then game day a little while after.

Game day was fun, going 2-2 with a Simic deck that only won against decks that couldn't stop Witchstalker beats.

September 18, 2014 12:45 p.m.

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