The red of Death & Taxes

Legacy Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 12, 2016, 9:33 a.m. by smackjack

After the introduction of Recruiter of the Guard i decided to change my Death & Taxes list to be more like the Imperial Taxes list (Imperial Taxes is a RW version of Death & Taxes running Imperial Recruiter and Magus of the Moon).

The only thing stopped me from playing the deck before was the price of Imperial Recruiter but now that we have an even better recruiter thats also white its suddenly affordable.

Now, my question is: Is it still worth it to splash red now that 1x Magus of the Moon is the only red card? 2x Cavern of Souls, 2x Plateau and 2x Arid Mesa is the lands used to cast Mister Moon and of course AEther Vial. Is 5 Plains too few if you are running one Magus of the Moon? Is there another white card that would better fit in the spot? Is there another good red card to make the splash more justifiable? Mainboard and sideboard (Sudden Demise is great for sideboard for example)

Heres my list:

Death & Taxes (Conspiracy update!)

Legacy* smackjack


Thanks :)

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