Opinion on legacy dragon deck

Legacy Deck Help forum

Posted on May 27, 2016, 3:33 p.m. by AJ@THE@MAN

Hi I'm new to the legacy format. So for my first deck I put together my modern FELLOWSHIP OF THE DRAGON deck and some dragon stompy list off MTGstocks. Here's the list I put together LEGACY OF THE DRAGON.

Gidgetimer says... #2

Before I comment any further I would like to know if this deck is supposed to be played at legacy events of any level or if it is just a legacy legal casual deck.

May 27, 2016 8:21 p.m.

AJ@THE@MAN says... #3

I plan to play this at LGS events.so mid to top tier play.

May 27, 2016 8:27 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... #4

The deck doesn't look like it does enough fast enough. Forgive me if I am wrong, but your deck doesn't look like it does much until turn 3 and at that point all it is doing is putting in a 4/4 with an ability. I play primarily what you would call "unfair" decks, combo and lockdown control. By deck my turn 3 consists of:

Reanimator: Swinging Griselbrand and drawing 7. If I have you on mono color I might be swinging Iona, Shield of Emeria if you didnt concede when I reanimated her turn 2.

Painter: Inquisition for Painter's Servant, Grindstone, or both; combo off; or play control as I dig depending on what the keep was.

Enchantress: Play a second Enchantress effect and draw a minimum of two cards. This is the control deck so we are preparing for a turn 4 Solitary Confinement. Once the confinement is down I have a lock that your deck doesn't interact with.

Solidarity: Cantripping two or three times. Solidarity plays weird. This is the deck I do the least on the early turns. A chalice on 1 is really the only thing I care about your deck doing and hopefully I will have a counter when you try that since the deck is instant speed and I do nothing until I need to.

I'm not trying to tear your deck apart. Just observing that it seems weak to combo and lockdown control. Permission control would probably also give you a problem.

May 27, 2016 9:18 p.m.

KillDatBUG says... #5

Terrible deck, honestly. You'd be much better off with Goblins or MUD Painter instead. Their game plan is more effective than playing some dragons that don't do anything most of the time.

May 27, 2016 10:41 p.m. Edited.

AJ@THE@MAN says... #6

while i see what your saying about it being weak to combo/control decks. however, the deck can play a good amount things on turn 1. Blood Moon,Chalice of the Voidand if have a 4th mana source any of the 4 mana dragons turn 1. and the deck haves plenty mane acceleration.

May 27, 2016 11:04 p.m.

PookandPie says... #7

Acceleration with your only interaction being Chalice is a pretty weak, though. A dragon turn 1 is barely scarier than a flipped Delver swinging t2.

Dragon Stompy is a Legacy deck, but you may need Trinisphere main deck, and you need to drop a few of the bad dragons (the one with triple red in its cost needs to go. You run 8 Sol lands and unless you have multiple Spirit Guide/Mox, he's stuck in your hand, useless if you draw more than 1 Sol land.

Get more information about Dragon Stompy here: http://www.mtgthesource.com/forums/showthread.php?19745-Deck-Dragon-Stompy

May 27, 2016 11:37 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... #8

Wow, sorry meant Intuition in my second post. I apparently wanted to use a black lifeloss card to search for combo pieces. I don't think it works that way lol.

May 28, 2016 12:01 a.m.

AJ@THE@MAN says... #9

Well with 8 Blood Moon effects in the deck,it don't think triple red is going to be too much of a problem.however I do agree with Trinisphere in the main. I'll make the change

May 28, 2016 9:12 a.m.

Gidgetimer says... #10

That is actually something I meant to address, Blood Moon shuts of all of your permanent ramp except chrome mox. Is that something that you have found benefits you in games?

May 28, 2016 10:04 a.m.

AJ@THE@MAN says... #11

Blood Moon shutdown greedy mana base and works with Koth of the Hammer in making our land in to Mountains.

May 28, 2016 10:39 a.m.

Gidgetimer says... #12

I realize what the purpose of it in there is. My question was is the result strong enough that it is worth spending a card mainboard and shutting down your sol lands.

May 28, 2016 10:45 a.m.

AJ@THE@MAN says... #13

The sol lands are there to help drop Blood Moon turn 1 and or any needed mana early game.

May 28, 2016 11:45 a.m.

PookandPie says... #14

.... The Blood Moon effects are not the way in which you should look to casting a Dragon that costs 2RRR. You either drop the Dragons early, or you

This is a format where Painter's Servant and Grindstone win on the third turn with no acceleration, through Blood Moon (with acceleration, it can win turn 1 with 5 specific cards in hand, or turn 2 with a wider variety of cards). And Painter's Grindstone isn't even top tier deck in the format.

Blood Moon isn't an immediate death sentence against most Legacy decks due to the high amounts of filtering and top deck manipulation in the format, and most can play around or through it by the time you'd get around to spending 5 mana to fairly cast one of your Dragons, which is why I'm saying Scourge of Valkas isn't a good choice (I also feel like you're overestimating how many Dragons you will have). If you're so attached to Scourge, play it then, but don't ask for advice if you're too attached to pet cards to actually heed the aforementioned advice. Scourge literally looks like you're just trying to cram cool Dragons into a deck and doesn't bring much to the table, as resolving a Thundermaw Hellkite means you are probably winning anyway, and Scourge is not really any better than Flametongue Kavu as removal (and who cares about a Shock to the face, honestly?). If you're paying 5 to get something fairly that's a 4/4, you may as well be playing Batterskull. If you want good removal, there's Flametongue Kavu. I don't see anything Scourge brings to the table better than these above cards outside of the fact that Scourge can deal 1-2 damage to the face for an additional mana, which isn't worthwhile, in my opinion (as if you've resolved one of these fatties, you should already be winning. He's win-more, straight up, in my opinion).

I have been playing Legacy since 2008, and have piloted Reanimator, Painter, Enchantress, RUG Delver, NO RUG, Elves, Terrageddon, Show and Tell, ANT, TES, Miracles, old CounterTop, Zoo, Affinity, and countless brews over the years. You can take or leave my advice, but I would only play this deck in a meta game of fair decks with 4 color mana bases (and believe it or not, those are rarer than the 2 and 3 color decks in the format).

Have you thought about mono red Sneak, rather than Dragon Stompy? It fares better against some combo decks because Blood Moon typically buys you 2-3 turns, so you can spend that time to pay R and swing Griselbrands and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn at your opponents. It's a lot easier to reach 2RR than 2RRR for a single dragon, and Griselbrand provides all the fuel you would need.

That's about all I'm going to say on this subject. Take it or leave it. I can understand being defensive since the first couple posts in this thread were attacking your deck for how awful it was, but I'm not doing that. I will, however, remind you that Dragon Stompy is nowhere close to most tier 2 Legacy decks and has bad games against combo and control decks, leaving you cold against most things in the format not named Nic Fit or Zoo. That said, I hope it treats you well and if it doesn't work as intended, you can perhaps look up Mono Red Sneak in the future.

May 28, 2016 6:12 p.m.

PookandPie says... #15

So, I was going to go back and edit some of that and probably remove a good bit of it too, but Windows Update popped up and was in the process of restarting my computer (Windows 10 is great!) so I panicked and hit submit. So... we're just going to have to live with how awful and long that last post was.

May 28, 2016 6:51 p.m.

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