Legacy cards, what should I do

Economics forum

Posted on Sept. 5, 2016, 9:58 p.m. by 2austin5

Hey Tappedout Community, its been a while since I've signed in and I hope all is well!

As for me, I have basically slid out of the Magic scene. Its sad, but I also realize I just don't have the time anymore to commit to it as I am pursuing a Ph.D.

As such, I am left with many of my cards. I had hoped EMA would have had the same effect as MM had on card prices, however, I am now "stuck" with FTV JTMSs, Foil deathrites, some expeditions, LotV,and a few others that took major hits in their prices. My main question is should I sell these or should I hold them.

I know the classic argument is "do you need the money" and the answer is not particularly. My main concern is how long would it take to recover the prices, if they recover at all? Would I get just as much selling them now as I would 5 years down the road?

Obviously many things could play into prices in the future that we just can't predict, but based on what you all have seen (since I've been away so long) any input would be greatly appreciated.

I have heard some rumors of ABUR dual less legacy as a possible future format, do you all think there is merit to this or is it just a high tale.

Thank you all!


GeminiSpartanX says... #2

I wouldn't put any stock into the dual-less legacy format unless it catches on in a casual way like EDH did. I'd keep any reserve list cards and sell the rest depending on how much they see play. i.e.- if you have cards that see play in only 1 legacy deck, get rid of those if you'd like and only keep the cards that see play in multiple decks (FoWs, Wastelands, etc.) so you won't need to spend as much getting back into MtG if/when you decide to do so.

September 5, 2016 10:10 p.m.

seuvius says... #3

What makes your think that expeditions and lotv took a hit due to eternal masters?

September 6, 2016 12:01 a.m.

sirbar says... #4

LoTV is 90$ right now. She is pretty high. I would sell her because a modern masters 2017 has already been confirmed for release in early 2017.

September 6, 2016 12:31 a.m.

BreadManDan says... #5

If you decide to get rid of the FOIL Deathrites, my email address is [email protected]. Also may be interested in the exeditions depending on what they are.

September 6, 2016 6:42 p.m.

2austin5 says... #6

Thank you for the input so far, let me clarify on LotV, assirbar mentioned, a reprint would really dock her down so even though EMA effect most of the others, a future one would "ruin" her as well, making the overall value I could get from her go down. BreadManDan, I will let you know if I ultimately do decide to put them up

September 7, 2016 8:08 p.m.

seuvius says... #7

EMA had absolutely no effect on lotv's price. She went down due to the announcement of mm17, she was not reprinted in EMA and that set had absolutely no effect on the expeditions prices as well.

September 7, 2016 8:22 p.m.

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