Cycle of Creatures

Custom Cards forum

Posted on Oct. 7, 2015, midnight by Ruffigan

I designed the white card first, thought it was a neat idea, and made a cycle of it. I think they're all fairly costed, except the owl maybe. These were designed for a limited environment, imagine something similar to standard.

Soldier of Misfortune

Creeping Kudzu

Decrepit Owl

Pilot Lightning

that return effect alows SO FUCKING MANY infinite combos. give it a limitation to once a turn at least.

October 7, 2015 12:02 a.m.

JA14732 says... #3

Nope nope nope nope nope.

Sorcery speed on the return, mana cost on the sac abilities, CMC increase on the cards needs to happen. At least 1, preferably 2.

Shit, ALL of them go infinite with Phyrexian Altar/Mycosynth Lattice/even Celestial Dawn. For essentially free.

October 7, 2015 1:08 a.m.

capriom85 says... #4

No, not ok. Especially that green one...too many turn 1 wins from that green one, especially with no 4 card cap

October 7, 2015 7:06 a.m.

As others have said, these are all strictly better than the already completely batshit Reassembling Skeleton, so I'd find a way to tone things down. The green one is a source for insane aggro, and the blue is essentially an infinite supply of soft Remands for .

Also, anal nitpicking, your wordage is extremely inconsistent. Some cards say Play where the others say Battlefield, etc

October 7, 2015 7:31 a.m. Edited.

Nomp says... #6

Sorcery speed returns and these would all be balanced. Combotastic but balanced.

October 7, 2015 7 p.m.

CastleSiege says... #7

In addition to what the others have said, how can these be part of a cycle if two of them are uncommon and two of them are rare?

October 11, 2015 1:19 p.m.

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