Standard Mill-Control [ELD Update]

Standard* Snivy__


Complete Remodel - Added Green! —Sept. 4, 2019

After playing this deck for a while, I have removed the Arclight Phoenix plan, and with it the cheap draw spells that helped enable it. The earliest I ever got them out (2 or 3 if lucky) was turn 5, from an Opt and 2 2-mana draw spells, and that wasn't good enough. By clearing out the Phoenix plan, it made room for all of the other spells I wanted to try out. I added in Green mainly because Tamiyo is an absolute beast in this kind of deck, and can fetch Jace back from the grave if needed, and now I can go down to a solid 2 Jaces. I also added Thought Erasure for a blue catch-all "removal" spell that can also throw dredge cards to the grave if needed, and Enter the God-Eternals for the sincere life gain and removal and blocker that i desperately needed. More description will be below the deck. Be sure to upvote!

danielisaias says... #1

I've been testing this deck for a few weeks now and i have completely removed red mana lands. Beacon bolt wasn't that necessary, and Cast Down is a much better solution. That being said, Never have i actually payed the mana cost for my phoenix creatures, so red mana is never necessary.

Also, consider Stitcher's Supplier for an early game play.

July 29, 2019 12:50 a.m.

Snivy__ says... #2

Stitcher's Supplier is a great suggestion and I have given it some thought but not enough play testing. I’ll see if it can work out.

As for Cast Down , I’m not so sure. Beacon Bolt I can see is better in 4 ways.

-It’s a blue spell, so it triggers Drowned Secrets

-It can be cast from the graveyard, so it’s a card that I will be happy to see hit the graveyard from self milling.

-It’s a discard outlet for getting the Phoenix in the grave, as well as being two spells in one for getting Phoenix back.

-It can kill literally everything, while Cast Down can’t kill Feather, Omnath, Shalai, and many other common legendary creatures.

Hard casting Phoenix I agree is usually not necessary, but it has won me some games, and playing red mana definitely is worth it to me.

Thanks for the suggestions!

August 1, 2019 5:12 p.m.