Reaper/ Demon struggle —Dec. 18, 2013

I'm still fin-tuning the amount of "sweepers" in the deck. I'm finding that Desecration Demon is a bit of a glass canon, working very very well in certain match-ups, but becoming very clunky in others (ie any deck with token production). Reaper of the Wilds on the other hand has done well against just about any deck I've been able to get it on the board against. Pack Rat as well just seems to end games if I'm able to play it turn two, or later with some back up. Having scry lands will definitely help this deck quite a bit (February can't get here fast enough!) but until then I'll have to make due with the Reaper in conjunction with removal spells. Let me know what you think about the switch, and if Desecration Demon deserves a spot in the deck!