Rubinia, the Home Wrecker

Commander / EDH sjbennett85


Dreadwhite509 says... #1

I also just made an edh deck with her, but ill post it in a day or so. Urs Looks pretty well built. Bant is prtty awesome, as there's no conflicting colors, and the best cards in the game in my opinion were made in some combination of the one-three. card:Mirari's Wake, Mana Drain , card:Gaea's Cradle ect ect :p

January 25, 2013 4:32 a.m.

Rofelos says... #2

Since you have Mystical Tutor along with Mirari's Wake I would put in Entreat the Angels, pricey I know but it's a one card win condition. You seem to want to draw a lot of card a la Venser's Journal, which is always good, so I would play Recurring Insight which is usually good for 6 - 10 cards. I personally don't think little cards like Brainstorm are worth it, but they don't hurt. Two other cards I personally like are Oracle of Mul Daya and Avenger of Zendikar. These aren't criticisms so much as my personal preferences, so +1 from me!

March 20, 2013 1:14 p.m.

sjbennett85 says... #3

@Rofelos: I've been considering Avenger of Zendikar since it has huge EtB/Blink returns.

I wasn't aware of Recurring Insight but it looks pretty good. Same goes for the Mystical Tutor/Entreat the Angels little interaction. I own Entreat so maybe it would be worth while to include!

Thanks for the insight!

March 22, 2013 2:51 p.m.

Joshuawesome says... #4

Rubinia is such a dirty, dirty slut. I <3 her.


June 21, 2013 11:57 a.m.

3p1cness says... #5

i heard this thing called Deadeye Navigator is good. just putting it out there. anyways some sac outlets might be nice with rubinia as well you can simply steal then sacrifice if it comes down to it. say Birthing Pod ? OH SNAP i just realised how good that is. anyways pretty sweet deck, Nephalia Smuggler to help steal those creatures and Ghostly Flicker works great with say eternal witness, its pretty much build your own Deadeye Navigator . course the classic Momentary Blink . things i have problems with: Beckcall Elvish Visionary Riftsweeper . also have you heard? theres a new Mana Drain ! Plasm Capture for me at least is fine to mana fix. my decks blink as well! check it out at Jenara budget blink edh

June 25, 2013 11:34 p.m.

onigirumo says... #6

Ok here's what I got for you.

First off I realized that you don't really have any mana ramp in creature form, or sorceries. All I see that you're running is Solemn Simulacrum and Sylvan Primordial and a small gambling chance of Coiling Oracle .

Why not add even these:

These two can also be abusable with your flicker effects.

In the Sorceries department you have access to:

Next part, when I read flickering I also expected to maybe see a Cloudshift or Ghostly Flicker .

Why not rock the other clones as well? such as:

Well these are just my opinions. I think it would be great to clone your bombs or even more mana ramp creatures. Well let me know what you think.

July 4, 2013 10:10 p.m.

sjbennett85 says... #7

Deadeye Navigator is a card I've Bergen tossing around in my mind for quite some time. I'm thinking of including Mystic Snake for it as well.

As far as ramp goes, I've had an idea of including Collective Voyage as I have in the past for a group hug feeling.

July 5, 2013 10:50 p.m.

onigirumo says... #8

Yeah, if you're considering Mystic Snake then you should also add Draining Whelk . These guys can also combo off with the clone cards.

July 6, 2013 3:11 a.m.

Blackheart426 says... #9

Nice Job! Deck looks like fun! You should throw Treva, the Renewer in. Never hurts to have a 6/6 flyer.

August 14, 2013 3:05 p.m.

sjbennett85 says... #10

@Blackheart426: I think that card is going to be included in the new Bant commander deck coming this fall but if it isn't I just might buy Treva so it can fly over it's ruins

I'm certainly buying it for staples and perhaps colored cards that would fit here.

August 15, 2013 10:27 a.m.

guessling says... #11

How do you find Karmic Guide to work with that echo cost?

What do you think about Mistmeadow Witch and Nephalia Smuggler ? I like the flickering and the cheap cmc but the activation costs are high - they demand significant ramping to be useful and then ramping takes more deck slots .... anyway, what are your thoughts on it?

+1 for a pretty foily version!

September 18, 2013 11:30 a.m.

sjbennett85 says... #12

Karmic Guide is a great creature for returning fallen heroes and I like to tuck/blink it on the same turn it comes out. If things are particularly in favor, hand/tutor wise, I try to hit up a Clone-like creature/Karmic Guide /Reveillark combo detailed here with a sac engine out to clear things up.

I used to run that pair of blinkers but I've since changed them out to accommodate for powerhouse creatures/spells. I rather liked Mistmeadow Witch since you get an early game body and a blink that doesn't require tapping. Coupled with Mirrari's Wake or late game it could work but is too costly otherwise. I've found, too, that the amount of blink I run is just about enough to naturally draw or tutor one every game, this is why I'm on the fence about Deadeye Navigator . Well, that I need to find the right card to drop.

My build likes to Proteus Staff things to get better board-state or to protect weaker blink targets for recycling. Also, having the ability to stack the cards at the bottom, however you choose, is sometimes convenient. I also like to play a friendly game that doesn't tilt until my mitt is filled with the right cards to start the blink/tuck engine. This is why I have stayed clear of Palinchron .

When it comes to ramp, having lands like Bant Panorama and the cheaper fetches are great starters. I've only just recently aquired all the OG Duals for this deck list and I'll be waiting for reprints for the pricey Onslaught/Zendikar fetches, its totally gonna happen sometime soon. Weathered Wayfarer and Land Tax are awesome searches for land, too.

It has taken a while, financially and play-test wise, for me to get this deck to where it is now. After seeing the power of budget Rubinia I knew that it would be worth the time and money to bump up her power level with things like Gilded Drake , Bribery , Cryptic Command , and the like. I've been thinking of including Equilibrium to abuse Gilded Drake and a blink engine.

September 18, 2013 5:05 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #13

This is a very strange deck to me. In a good way. It is like a different take on my deck. It is really cool to look at. Check mine out and toss some advice my way. I will look at yours and see if I would change anything.

October 29, 2013 3:24 p.m.

gatechmet says... #14

Thanks for the thoughts on my deck, a few things that I found with rubinia:

I can't describe how much I love Rings of Brighthearth and Strionic Resonator to copy the effects, with rings you can copy rubinia's effect 4 or 5 times for each tap. The resonator will also allow you to copy a triggered effect, then rings can copy the now activated effect.

I also recommend a few more sacrifice outlets so you can sac the creatures you steal, then steal more!!

December 30, 2013 3:26 p.m.

gatechmet says... #15

oh, three more recommendations I forgot to mention, they may be the best cards in the deck.

Birthing Pod is an absolute stud in my deck, as good if not better than Proteus Staff , you need to run both.

Craterhoof Behemoth flat out wins games out of nowhere, especially if you can bounce it.

Deadeye Navigator . I know it is in your maybe board, but I absolutely love it everytime it hits.

December 30, 2013 3:34 p.m.

NinjaNate says... #16

Sylvan Primordial is now banned in Commander/EDH in case you didn't know.

February 3, 2014 8:13 p.m.

sjbennett85 says... #17

@NinjaNate: Yep I will take it out once BNG is actually released since that is typical ban procedure.

I'm thinking Craterhoof Behemoth will now have a home in this deck.

February 5, 2014 10:16 a.m.

NinjaNate says... #18

Actually that's not how it works with EDH. It works like that with constructed so people have time to get replacements. Also WotC has nothing to do with the rules of EDH. They just made a product to support it.

February 5, 2014 11:51 a.m.

NerdPounder says... #19

I agree with this deck. Lol. As a sidenote/suggestion/win-more situation that would be a lot of fun (for you), try Illusionist's Bracers to take 2 creatures at a time. I think Frost Titan could be subbed out for that, all it really does is attack or block. I feel like Simic Charm could be Cultivate or something along those lines, just to ramp you. Simic Charm only trades 1-for-1 with a removal spell, which seems like it would be pretty bad in EDH as most people just play board wipes as their primary removal anyway. I would also play cards like Strip Mine , Ghost Quarter , and Wasteland , because Homeward Path would blow you out, and a lot of people play that because of Bribery in my experience. =) nice deck! +1!

April 22, 2014 12:49 p.m.

sjbennett85 says... #20

@corythackston: Thanks for the input!

Yes, I've been considering upping my land maintenance package with Stripmine, Ghost Quarter , and the like to protect against the dreaded Homeward Path .

I had Illusionist's Bracers in there at one point and perhaps I will consider them to be included again.

Frost Titan and a couple others have been under preforming lately so I think I may revise this decklist sooner rather than later.

April 23, 2014 12:14 p.m.

CampbellStev says... #21

Nice deck and I love the name! +1

May 17, 2014 4:49 p.m.

JakeHarlow says... #22

Very cool theme here. Just wanted to drop by and give it the nod, no suggestions from me. +1

June 18, 2014 11:53 a.m.

onthestack says... #23

I love the Proteus Staff involvement. I played a similar concept EDH, but with Merieke Ri Berit . +1 for taking it to the next level of hate with the staff =]

August 7, 2014 9:46 p.m.

Uryah says... #24

August 28, 2014 5:49 p.m.

Rifthunter says... #25

What do you think of Derevi commanding this deck or atleast having her in it

May 15, 2017 4:31 a.m.

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